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Tehnician Calitate

2 positions
Job - pending verification

Ideal Candidate

Pentru a indeplini aceste atributii este necesar sa ai:
  • Minim 1 an experienta in domeniul calitatii;
  • Cunostinte tehnice in domeniul constructii civile, mecanica sau electricitate;
  • Cunostinte de limba engleza la nivel conversational;
  • Cunostinte de MS Office (in special Excel si Word);
  • Disponibilitate pentru deplasari ocazionale pe teren pe traseul conductei (Tuzla – Podisor, in judetele Constanta, Calarasi si Giurgiu);
  • Permis de conducere – constituie avantaj;
  • Bune abilitati de comunicare si colaborare in echipa;
  • Flexibilitate si adaptabilitate.

Job Description

Recrutam Tehnician Calitate pentru unul din clientii nostrii, o companie care activeaza in diferite sectoare, inclusiv constructii si energie, pentru o perioada determinata de 4-5 luni.

Principalele atributii ale rolului sunt:
  • Asigurarea indeplinirii tuturor cerintelor de calitate conform specificatiilor proiectului;
  • Punerea la dispozitie a devizelor si certificatelor de calitate necesare pentru clientul final;
  • Verificarea in santiere a conformitatii documentelor de calitate cu standardele aplicabile;
  • Gestionarea evidentei documentelor de calitate si asigurarea ca documentatia este completa si conforma cerintelor;
  • Verificarea si compararea documentelor de calitate existente, pregatirea de noi documente acolo unde este necesar;
  • Mentinerea unei comunicari eficiente cu furnizorii, subcontractantii si persoanele responsabile de implementarea fiecarei etape a proiectului.
Vei beneficia de:
  • Pachet salarial competitiv;
  • Transport asigurat pentru deplasari;
  • Decont pentru abonamentul de transport public;
  • Oportunitatea de a lucra la un proiect important de infrastructura.

Company Description

IHM Total Consult is, beginning with June 2019, part of SGB Humangest Holding, an Italian group of companies offering specialized consulting services in the field of human resources selection, training and management.

With over 14 years of hands-on HR experience, SGB Humangest Holding provides integrated HR solutions for over 1200 corporate clients through 42 Italian agencies and 4 branches in Romania. Currently, over 7500 employees are hired by SGB Humangest on temporary assignments.

IHM Total Consult was founded in 2004 and is now ranked among the top 5 HR players on the Romanian market, considering turnover.

We believe that our mission is built on a two-way direction. So, we focus on providing services based on business expertise and building a strong relationship with our candidates, contributing to their career development by always considering their personal interest when assessing their suitability for any given position.

Our consultants are specialized in HR and Admin, Call Centers/BPO/SSC, Banking and Financial Services, IT&C Software & Hardware, Engineering, Production, Retail / FMCG, Constructions, Medical / Pharma and Automotive.

For any further details and even more jobs you can visit us on All resumes and data are considered confidential and will be evaluated only for projects matching your professional experience.

Published Mar 7, 2025Updated Mar 7, 2025Expires Apr 6, 2025
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