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Tehnician Calitate / Productie

1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

- absolvent al studiilor liceale;
- cu sau fara experienta intr-o pozitie similara;
- engleza la nivel mediu;
- cunostinte operare calculator;
- abilitati de comunicare, dorinta de invatare si dezvoltare profesionala;
- atentie la detalii, integritate profesionala;
- autodidact ;
- analitic;
- profil tehnic.

Job Description

-diagnosticarea si remedierea problemelor in sistemele pneumatice si electrice;
- efectuarea intretinerii preventive pentru echipamente electromecanice;
- testarea si verificarea sistemelor dupa intretinere;
- asigurarea conformitatii cu standardele de siguranta si reglementarile industriale relevante.

Company Description

Orka offers the production of customer-specific wire and cable assembly, cable harnesses, cable trees and technical assembly for numerous industrial applications in various markets and sectors.

Our mission is “strive for perfection”. Executing your project to perfection is our ultimate goal. The Orka team excels and outperforms. Always. Your wishes are the Orka top priority.

As a modern SME, Orka has a dynamic team and a modern & efficient machine park for the processing of wire and cable assembly.
Published Feb 26, 2025Updated Feb 26, 2025Expires Mar 28, 2025
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