Ideal Candidate
- previous experience in back-office operations, data entry, or customer service administrative roles;
- experience with SAP in a procurement/logistics workspace – ideally;
- advanced level of English and Excel;
- strong organizational skills (prioritization and attention to detail);
- assertive communication and the ability to work independently;
- quick learner with the capacity to demonstrate fast adaptability;
- stability and commitment;
- bachelor’s degree in economics, business administration, logistics or related field;
- willingness to travel.
Job Description
- supports vendor management across business units;
- ensures accurate SAP master data entry and updates (vendor and material creation, spare parts ordering, and cost control for large projects);
- reviews data input from all business units worldwide;
- handles purchase order creation; enters, creates and follows up on payments, deliveries and maintains supplier records;
- updates the current status of ongoing projects in a central tool;
- prepares pivot tables in Excel, based on extracted data from SAP;
- collaborates with all business units to gather information related to global initiatives and/or projects.
- hybrid work (combines office and remote work based on your preferences);
- constant development, both personally and professionally;
- worldwide exposure.
This job opportunity is ideal for candidates from Sibiu or Sebes.
Recrutor: / 074117048
Company Description
E T I M P U L S A F I I R E M A R C A T !
JobPartner. Pentru ca oamenii conteaza si pentru ca e timpul sa iubesti ziua de luni. Am creat JobPartner din dorinta de a fi mai aproape de oameni talentati ca tine, care merita sa intalneasca angajatori care iubesc si dezvolta cu adevarat oamenii.
La JobPartner veti avea parte de un candidate experience inedit, veti regasi dorinta de a descoperi si cunoaste potentialul maxim de care dispuneti, astfel incat sa va indreptam catre job-uri care vi se potrivesc cu adevarat.
Pentru ca pasiunea noastra pentru domeniul resurselor umane este nestinsa, furnizam cu succes de mai bine de 8 ani de zile servicii de recrutare & selectie si consultanta in domeniul resurselor umane.
Unul dintre obiectivele noastre majore este protejarea datelor dumneavoastra personale si recomandam informarea cu privire la Politica de Confidentialitate -