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Specialist în inventariere

1 position
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Ideal Candidate

We are currently seeking a Regional Auditor to join our team in Romania. As a key player in our organization, the Regional Auditor will oversee various audit functions and ensure the smooth operation of all internal processes.

Candidate Requirements:
  • Proficiency in Romanian and English.
  • Strong financial and technical literacy.
  • High level of responsibility, concentration, proactivity, and sociability.
  • Ability to complete tasks quickly and efficiently.
  • Strong predictive skills to anticipate potential outcomes.
  • Willingness to learn new skills and programs.
  • Previous experience in a similar position is an advantage.

Job Description

  • Establish and ensure the effective functioning of the division.
  • Conduct daily quality control of goods’ inventories, fixed assets, and cash during audits.
  • Ensure that work regulations are followed and manage subordinates to comply with these rules.
  • Build and maintain strong, timely interactions with departments such as retail, IT, accounting, and other structural units within the company.
  • Provide information, material, and logistical support to fulfill assigned tasks.
  • Prepare monthly schedules for goods inventories, fixed assets, and cash for each commission.
  • Coordinate inventory schedules with the regional retail manager and submit them for approval to the respective manager.
  • Monitor KPIs and financial indicators to ensure compliance.
  • Prepare and submit monthly financial reports.
  • Perform video controls and oversee auditors’ work online.
  • Conduct periodic audits of POS systems alongside your team.
  • Continuously ensure professional development and skills improvement of inventory commission staff.

💰 Attractive salary + meal vouchers (30 lei/day).
📃 Employment contract for an indefinite period
🏥 Private medical subscription
🚀 Professional development opportunities in a dynamic team

Company Description

„Aurora Multimarket" este lider pe piața ucraineană de retail pe segmentul magazinelor Dollar & Variety.

„Aurora Multimarket" a crescut pe principiile unei culturi progresive și transparente care creează un mediu eficient din punct de vedere operațional similar companiilor de tehnologie, care distinge Compania de „comercianți tradiționali”.

Accentul pus pe excelența operațională și obsesia de a oferi cea mai bună valoare clienților au permis lanțului să crească rapid, extinzând numărul de magazine de peste 10 ori în șase ani, atingând pragul de 1.500 de magazine până în iulie 2024.

Potrivit Colliers ExCEEDING Borders Retail Report 2021, "Aurora Multimarket" este unul dintre cei mai mari trei discounteri din punct de vedere al numărului de magazine nealimentare din Europa Centrală și de Est. Compania este condusă de un co-fondator, iar în 2021, Horizon Capital, un fond internațional de top cu peste 1,5 miliarde USD de investiții directe gestionate, s-a alăturat acționarilor companiei.

Published Feb 3, 2025Updated Feb 3, 2025Expires Mar 5, 2025
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