Ideal Candidate
Rolul tau va fi sa gestionezi relatiile dintre partenerii locali si alte departamente din cadrul companiei.
- Diploma universitara in domeniul afacerilor, IT/telecomunicatii, limbi straine sau alte domenii conexe
- Experienta de lucru intr-o companie multinationala reprezinta un avantaj
- Cunostinte excelente de limba engleza atat vorbit cat si scris
- Cunoasterea unei limbi suplimentare constituie un avantaj
- Excelente abilitati de comunicare si relatii interpersonale
- Utilizarea buna a instrumentelor Microsoft Office (Outlook, Excel, Word)
- Bune abilitati de prioritizare si gestionare a timpului
- Abilitati de negociere
- Capacitate de decizie si asumare a responsabilitatilor
- Inteligent, proactiv si care invata rapid, cu agilitate organizationala si o mare atentie la detalii
Your role will be to manage the relationship between local partners and other departments within the company.
- University degree in the field of business, IT/ telecom, foreign languages, or other related fields
- Working experience in a multinational company is an advantage
- Excellent English skills both speaking and writing
- Knowledge of an additional language is an advantage
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Good use of Microsoft Office Tools (Outlook, Excel, Word)
- Good prioritization and time management skills
- Negotiation Skills
- Decision-making capacity and taking responsibility
- Smart, proactive, and a quick learner with organizational agility and strong attention to detail
- Effective team player.
Job Description
- Aveti capabilitatea de a crea o legatura intre echipa de vanzari si partenerii locali
- Mentinerea relatiilor de afaceri cu partenerii actuali si noi
- Colaborati cu echipa de vanzari pentru a intelege cerintele clientilor
- Aprovizionati si selectati parteneri si produse in functie de cerintele echipei de vanzari / nevoile clientilor
- Explicati asteptarile si standardele companiei si negociati Termenii contractuali cu partenerii
- Pregatiti Contracte si NDA-uri pentru semnarea acestora
- Dezvoltati si mentineti o baza de date cu partenerii
- Intocmiti rapoarte specifice de activitate
- Role Expectations:Act as a liaison between the sales team and local partners
- Maintaining business relationships with current and new partners
- Collaborate with the sales team to understand customer requirements
- Source and select partners and products according to the sales team’s requirements/ customer needs
- Explain their company’s expectations and standards and negotiate contract terms with partners
- Prepare Contract Agreements and NDAs for further signing
- Develop and maintain a database of partners
- Draw-up specific activity reports
Company Description
Be more than just an employee! Join New Era’s growing team and experience a corporate culture that promotes personal and professional development. We are looking for team members to contribute to and deliver our mission to “securely connect people, places, and information in a rapidly changing digital world.” Work alongside the finest team of highly skilled and industry-certified professionals who are encouraged to drive change and think outside of the box. As a team member, you will receive competitive benefits, industry training, and certifications.
New Era Technology is a global IT integrator with 4,500+ employees delivering Collaboration, Cloud, Data Networking, Security, Large Venue, and Corporate AV and Managed Service Solutions to more than 7,500 customers.