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Software Developer

1 position
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Ideal Candidate

Software developer

If you also think it’s nice to work in programming, come see what we have for you.

Must have:
University degree in Computer Science or any relevant field
Proven work experience of 8-12 months in SQL, .NET, WPF, C#, and/or Android Java.
Basic knowledge in managing data from APIs
English communication skills

Job Description

Job responsibilities:
Collaborate with team members to develop and implement business applications that support the key processes
Use SQL, .NET WPF C#, Android Java programming languages in order to create software solutions
Developing Business Intelligence dashboard using Qlik Sense
Ensure continuous improvement of systems and processes

Good to know:
A theoretical and practical examination may be part of the recruiting process.

Send your CV to and visit our website for more useful information.

Company Description

Printmasters is a fast growing Dutch owned company (XD connects), based in Romania, specialized in decorating and printing industrial and promotional products. Printmasters is active on the European market since 2008 and is performing services with outstanding quality & unlimited value added services for customers throughout Europe.

We currently employ over 500 qualified personnel and have over 120 modern printing machines.

Printmasters is a print factory for high end gifts and promotional articles, focusing on a large range of printing techniques for hard and soft goods. With our own lab and testing center we are able to apply decorations and prints on all kinds of surfaces and products.

The head office is situated in Cicârlău, Maramureș county, in the North of Romania, close to the Hungarian border, strategically placed to have a fast and easy access to all our customers in Europe. The unique combination with the logistic platform attached makes Printmasters one of the most state of the art suppliers in the market with a production and storage space of 11.000 sqm with 18.000 pallet places. Production & delivery in several days, if needed faster, throughout Europe and worldwide.

Published Feb 25, 2025Updated Feb 25, 2025Expires Mar 27, 2025
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