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Senior Internal Auditor

1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

Bring your 3+ years of experience in internal or external audit within the financial sector to our team and help us reach new heights.
Utilize your in-depth knowledge of regulatory requirements to ensure compliance and operational excellence.
Showcase your academic achievements with a Bachelor's degree (Master's degree preferred) and join a team that values continuous learning and growth.
Utilize your exceptional communication skills to collaborate effectively with team members and stakeholders.
Demonstrate your ability to work independently and take ownership of your projects, driving them to successful completion.

Other skills:
Good command of English
Strong analytical and writing skills
General IT knowledge
Proficiency in MS Office
SAP knowledge is a plus

Job Description

What you will be doing:
Lead the preparation of comprehensive engagement planning documents, setting the stage for successful and impactful audits.
Conduct diverse internal audit engagements, ensuring thorough evaluation and enhancement of internal controls.
Be a key player in evaluating and enhancing the design and operating effectiveness of our internal controls, making a tangible impact on our operations.
Keep a close eye on audit progress to ensure everything stays on track and within the agreed timeframe.
Prepare detailed working papers that document your findings and support your audit conclusions.
Formulate insightful recommendations, draft compelling audit reports, and effectively communicate your findings to stakeholders.

This role reports directly to the Audit Director of Agricover Holding, providing a clear line of communication, knowledge sharing and support.

Company Description

Credem intr-o agricultura moderna si performanta si suntem sprijinul fermierilor romani pentru a-si transforma cat mai multe initiative in povesti de succes.

Prin platforma Agricover de solutii integrate pentru agricultura, construim solutii flexibile si eficiente pentru nevoile concrete ale partenerilor nostri fermieri, ne adaptam constant nevoilor in continua schimbare a acestora si construim directii inovatoare de abordare a pietei propulsand afacerile fermierilor in randul celor mai stabile afaceri din domeniul agribusiness. Prin solutiile avansate pe care le dezvoltam si prin inovatie, oferim o viziune integrata a agriculturii modere si sustenabile, sustinem performantele fermierilor si le deschidem drumul catre un nou standard de productivitate si competitivitate. Pe scurt, Agricover reprezinta veriga cheie ce sustine eficienta intregului lant valoric al agriculturii si industriei alimentare.

Suntem experti in domeniul agribusiness si orientati permanent spre client prin anticiparea si intelegerea nevoilor acestora oferindu-le permanent solutii si prin construirea unei afaceri pe termen lung, profitabila pentru ambele parti. Tintim spre excelenta si raspundem eficient si la timp celor mai exigente nevoi ale partenerilor si ale mediului concurential, dovedind prin tot ceea ce facem zi de zi, ca meritam increderea si respectul celorlalti.

Ca angajator, la Agricover sesizam si valorificam oportunitatile, sustinem initiativele personale orientate spre fructificarea afacerii si lucram in echipa pentru un scop comun – sa fim cei mai buni. Intreaga echipa de specialisti Agricover participa activ la dezvoltarea unei agriculturi performante prin intermediul inovatiei si expertizei solide in agricultura.

Alatura-te echipei Agricover si iti oferim sansa de a lucra intr-o companie pioniera in dezvoltarea cunostintelor de agribusiness si pregatirea expertilor din domeniul agriculturii.

Daca iti doresti un job intr-un mediu competitiv, cu multiple posibilitati de dezvoltare profesionala si personala, te asteptam in echipa celor peste 1 000 de specialisti Agricover, pregatiti sa iti ofere suportul lor si sa iti impartaseasca din experientele care au contribuit la propria dezvoltare.

Published Dec 4, 2024Updated Dec 11, 2024Expires Jan 3, 2025
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