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Sef depozit materiale

1 position
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Ideal Candidate

Căutăm un coleg care să supervizeze activitatea depozitului nostru de materiale, si care sa detina:
  • Studii superioare în Inginerie/ Management/ Logistică/ Economie;
  • Experiență pe o poziție similară de minimum 2 ani;
  • Cunoștințe de utilizare SAP;
  • Nivel mediu de limba engleză.

Job Description

Responsabilitățile postului:
  • Coordoneaza activitatea din cadrul Depozitului de Materiale;
  • Intocmeste pontajul salariatilor din subordine;
  • Asigura gestiunea fizica a stocului de materiale, utilizand in permanenta metoda FIFO, atat fizic cat si in sistemul informatic SAP;
  • Opereaza in SAP miscarile de material;
  • Efectueaza inventarul stocului de material;
  • Efectueaza in SAP operatiuni de intrare in stoc a marfii;
  • Inregistreaza, prelucreaza si pastreaza informatiile referitoare la situatia stocurilor;
  • Utilizeaza eficient spatiul de depozitare a marfurilor, acordand atentie deosebita adresarii materialelor pe magazii si rafturi;
  • Preda marfa catre solicitant conform rezervarilor create de conducatorii locurilor de munca;
  • Intocmeste situatiile periodice saptamanale, lunare si ori de cate ori sunt solicitate informatii legate de stocuri.

Ce oferim:
  • Ceai și cafea;
  • Salariu în concordanță cu abilitățile și cunoștințele tale;
  • Masă caldă în cantina companiei;
  • Indemnizație de transport;
  • Tichete de masa;
  • Prime de Crăciun, Paște și vacanță;
  • Abonament Bookster;
  • Bonus de performanță;
  • Programe dedicate pentru dezvoltarea ta personală și profesională.

Company Description

About SISECAM AUTOMOTIVE ROMANIA SA, a Sisecam Group Company Founded in 1935 by İşbank at the directive of Atatürk, ŞişecamGroup is one of the most established industrial organizations in Turkey with 80 years of corporate history and it is among the world’s most prestigious manufacturers due to its high degree of specialization and the outstanding competitive edge of its operations. Şişecam Group was founded 81 years ago to meet Turkey’s need for basic glass products; today, besides being one of the most powerful industrial companies of the country, it is a truly global player with its exports to 150 countries and operations in 13. Şişecam Group operates in flat glass, glassware, glass packaging, and chemicals businesses at a total of 44 plants -18 local and 26 abroad- with overemployees; nearly half its sales are exports. Şişecam is Turkey’s leader in all types of glass as well as chemicals including soda-chromium compounds, and is one of the leading companies in the world with its operations that highly specialized and competitive. Trakya Cam Sanayii AS (Trakya Cam), a subsidiary of ŞişecamGroup, is a Turkey-based company engaged in the glass manufacturing industry sector. It operates in the fields of: basic glass, such as flat glass, patterned glass, mirror, laminated glass, coated glass and glass for architectural applications; automotive glass and glass for other vehicles; energy glass and glass for home appliances. The Company provides input for various sectors including construction, automotive, energy, home appliances, furniture and agriculture. It is organized into three primary business segments: Architectural Glasses, Automotive Glasses, and Processed Glasses having subsidiaries in Turkey, Holland, Russia and Romania. The Automotive Glasses business segment was opened in Romania in, when Trakya Cam Sanayii AS (Trakya Cam) acquired Glasscorp Buzau in order to produce car sets of glass addressed mostly to the European Client's Market.

Published Feb 5, 2025Updated Feb 5, 2025Expires Mar 7, 2025
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