Ideal Candidate
✅Strong communication skills (oral and written) both in Romanian and English;
✅Polish language it’s a must;
✅3-4 years of related work experience in Sales, Hunting, B2B;
✅1 year experience in Team Coordonation;
✅Online ecommerce experience is a plus;
✅BA/MA degree in Economics;
✅Strong Microsoft Office skills [Excel, Word, Power Point];
✅Positive attitude, eager to learn;
✅Excellent problem-solving skills, critical thinking and analytical skills;
✅Interest in setting up and improving processes;
✅Able to prioritize complex deliverables;
✅Detail-oriented and strong follow-through.
Job Description
More than 6000 colleagues are part of eMAG Teams. We strongly believe in people development and therefore every year we invest more and more energy and resources to remain an organization that is constantly learning. We want to make sure that you’ll have the most talented colleagues, as well as the proper environment to grow and achieve great results, to become what you desire on a personal and professional level. Join us, grow faster!
Sales Team Manager Hunting (Polish Speaker)
What you’ll have to do:
✅Coordinate the teams and offers support to the members to generate new business (directly and indirectly);
✅Be a business partner for international new sellers providing them with data-driven insights and advice to optimize their success on the eMAG Marketplace;
✅Recruitment and evaluation of coordinated team members;
✅Black Friday subproject management;
✅Orientation towards new sources of new partners;
✅Effectively prioritize and manage a pipeline of sellers to consistently meet/exceed quarterly targets;
✅Learn and understand the specificities of your categories to spot popular brands, trends, seasonal items and competitive pricing to best tailor your pitch and advice to sellers;
✅Track and report business development results, analyze data, interpret reports and information for your portfolio of sellers;
✅Demonstrate excellent time-management skills and the ability to work independently, while using departmental resources, policies and procedures;
✅As a Sales Team Manager, you will represent eMAG at industry events and expos, engaging with sellers, strengthening relationships, enhancing brand presence, and identifying new growth opportunities.
What we’ve prepared for you:
✅Medical subscription: Medicover, MedLife or Regina Maria;
✅A flexible budget that you can invest in yourself as you wish: meal tickets, holiday tickets, cultural vouchers, private pension, foreign language classes, eMAG, Fashion Days, Tazz, Therme & Genius, membership to different gyms or even professional development classes;
✅Different discounts from our partners: banking, mobile, dental medicine or wellness;
✅Access to the Bookster library and free credits on the Hilio psycho-emotional health platform;
✅An accelerated learning environment, with access to over 100.000 curated online resources and platforms, learning academies and development programs;
✅New headquarters, where sleek design, natural light, and versatile spaces create an energizing and comfortable environment for hybrid work.
Curious to find out more about the next step in your career? Apply now and if your experience is relevant for the role you wish, we will give you a call for more details!
Company Description
Companie românească fondată în 2001, eMAG este un pionier al comerțului electronic din România și a devenit un lider regional, exportând modelul local cu succes în Bulgaria și Ungaria. De 20 de ani, compania investește constant în servicii bazate pe tehnologii dezvoltate în România, care ajută clienții să economisească timp și bani.
Cu o gamă de produse în continuă creștere atât prin oferta proprie, cât și prin partenerii din Marketplace, eMAG este locul unde oricine poate căuta și comanda orice, de oriunde.
De ce să te alături echipei noastre?
Grow Faster.
Suntem mereu în căutarea celor cu adevărat pasionați de ceea ce fac. Dacă ești printre ei, sigur există un loc pentru tine în eMAG. Am crescut foarte rapid și suntem hotărâți să o facem în continuare. Ce ne-a adus aici a fost dorința de evoluție continuă și rezultate concrete.
La eMAG, o serie de principii puternice ne ghidează zi de zi: înțelegem clientul, gândim ca un antreprenor de succes, luăm decizii bazate pe date, analizăm impactul lor, acționăm responsabil, ne susținem reciproc și creștem împreună cu business-ul. Ele ne definesc și ne ajută să devenim destinația preferată de shopping pentru clienții noștri.
Aproape 6000 de colegi lucrează acum în eMAG. Credem foarte mult în dezvoltarea oamenilor și din acest motiv investim în fiecare an mai multă energie și resurse pentru a rămâne o organizație care învață în permanență. Vrem să ne asigurăm că tu vei avea cei mai talentați colegi și mediul în care să crești și să obții performanțe, să devii ce îți dorești la nivel uman și profesional.
Împreună suntem eMAG Teams. Descoperă mai multe despre echipele noastre aici.
• Platforms & Technology • Business Intelligence • Marketing • Logistics • Retail • Customer care • Marketplace • Commercial • People • Legal • Finance • Fashion Days
A pioneer of the Romanian market, eMAG was founded in 2001 in Bucharest and has well established businesses in Bulgaria and Hungary. For almost 20 years, the company has been constantly investing in technology-based services developed in Romania that help customers save time and money. With a range of products continuously expanding through own offer as well as through its partners in the Marketplace, eMAG is the place where anybody can search and order anything, from anywhere.
Why work with us?
Grow Faster.
We’re always looking for the ones truly passionate about their work. If you are amongst them, you can rest assured there is a place for you in eMAG. We grew very fast and we are determined to keep doing so. What brought us here is our desire for continuous evolution and practical results.
At eMAG, a set of strong principles guide our daily work: we understand the client, we think like a successful entrepreneur, we make decisions supported by data, we assess the impact of our projects, we act responsibly, we support each other and we grow with the business. They define us and help us become the favorite shopping destination for our clients.
Almost 6000 people are working now in eMAG. We strongly believe in people development and therefore every year we invest more and more energy and resources to remain an organization that is constantly learning. We want to make sure that you’ll have the most talented colleagues, as well as the proper environment to grow and achieve great results, to become what you desire on a personal and professional level.
Together we make eMAG Teams. Find out here where is your place: (to be inserted under "here" word).
• Platforms & Technology • Business Intelligence • Marketing • Logistics • Retail • Customer care • Marketplace • Commercial • People • Legal • Finance • Fashion Days