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Sales Representative

Core Recruit
1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

Detailed description of the tasks:
Promotion of core products and services
Preparation of offers
Technical support to customers in products/applications
Networking and contacts to key customer organizations
Hunting of new customers 70% / Farming existing 30%
Develop and coordinate projects and manage feasibility process
Administration of activities, market and customer information

Required qualification:
Engineering (in Mechanical, Chemical, Electromechanic) OR Management in Technical specification
MS Office business tools (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Teams, etc…)
E-Mail, Internet, other administration tools
CRM (Oracle, SAP, etc…)
Confident, open and curious person. good communication skills, striving for continuous learning
Automotive B2B (industrial manufactured products), at least 4 years. Sales or application engineering experiences

Job Description

Sales Representative, Bucuresti, 6500 - 8000 RON

Company Description

CORE este o noua companie specializata in servicii de recrutare si selectie, consultanta, evaluare si training pentru companiile in cautarea candidatului perfect cat si consiliere pentru acest candidat in continuu proces de cautare a angajatorului perfect. Misiunea noastra este de a servi companiile start-up cat si cele existente cu servicii excelente si de a gasi candidatii cu cunostintele, abilitatile si interesele potrivite astfel incat cu ajutorul lor si impreuna cu ei, compania sa isi poata indeplini eficient functiile esentiale ale operatiunilor de business. Existam pentru a atrage si a mentine clientii prin aderearea la standarde inalte de calitate ale serviciilor oferite. Vom avea grija ca angajatii nostrii, sub influenta fondatorilor, sa se dezvolte in persoane mai puternice, mai sanatoase si mai independente.

Published Feb 2, 2025Updated Feb 2, 2025Expires Mar 4, 2025
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