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Responsabil gestiune stocuri

1 position
Job verified

Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

Experienta demonstrata de minim 1 an in gestiune marfa;
Cunostinte de nivel mediu in limba engleza
Cunostinte PC: pachet MS Office, Internet;
Experienta in a lucra cu sisteme de tip ERP (Oracle, SAP, JDE, etc)
Autorizatie ISCIR

Job Description

Coordoneaza procesul de cycle count si analizeaza rezultatele obtinute;
Verifica cerintele legate de verificarea stocurilor de la departamentele cu care vine in contact;
Coordoneaza si asigura acuratetea parametrilor din depozit (subinventare consum);
Inregistreaza zilnic informatiile legate de corectia stocurilor in sistemul informatic dupa ce acestea au fost aprobate de catre seful de depozit;
Transfera scriptic stocurile intre locatii;
Coordoneaza si analizeaza cantitatile de materie prima din procesul de “2bin system”
Coordoneaza activitatile de stocare a componentelor provenite si procesele de dezasamblare;
Coordoneaza procesul de “bulk” si urmarirea si corectia/consumul parturilor atat in sistem, cat si in magazie si pe linia de productie;
Coordoneaza procesul de indirect materials si ajuta la evaluarea si setarea stocului minim;
Efectueaza procesele de receptie, kitting si expediere marfa;
Lucreaza cu seful de depozit pentru optimizarea proceselor de receptie, kitting si expediere a marfii;
Initiaza si conduce activitati de imbunatatire a procesului de munca in magazie;Indeplineste orice sarcina data de catre seful direct sau de catre conducere, in legatura cu responsabilitatile postului sau cu respectarea legislatiei.

Company Description

Emerson is a global leader in automation technology and software. Through our deep domain expertise and legacy of flawless execution, Emerson helps customers in critical industries like life sciences, energy, power and renewables, chemical and advanced factory automation operate more sustainably while improving productivity, energy security and reliability.

With global operations and a comprehensive portfolio of software and technology, we are helping companies implement digital transformation to measurably improve their operations, conserve valuable resources and enhance their safety.

We offer equitable opportunities, celebrate diversity, and embrace challenges with confidence that, together, we can make an impact across a broad spectrum of countries and industries. Whether you’re an established professional looking for a career change, an undergraduate student exploring possibilities, or a recent graduate with an advanced degree, you’ll find your chance to make a difference with Emerson. Join our team – let’s go!

Established in 2006, and with a community of more than 3500 employees, #EmersonCluj is the largest Emerson site in Europe.

We take responsibility for our success and the success of our customers, support each other and place significant importance to constantly grow and learn as a team.

In an inclusive and very diverse environment, we encourage ambitious ideas, fresh and diverse points of view, value individual talent and expression and recognize the importance of each role within the organization.

We are passionate about STEM education, sustainability - our Cluj site is 100% powered by green & renewable energy, volunteering and supporting each other and the local community. And with over 1100 different types of jobs and 15 expertise areas (from Engineering, Finance, IT, Operations and Manufacturing) it truly represents #AWorldOfOpportunities for different career journeys.

So, if you want to embrace this challenge and learn from our team of experts, take this chance and apply to one of the options below or visit our career website for more opportunities:

Published Feb 14, 2025Updated Feb 14, 2025Expires Mar 16, 2025
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