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Resource Coordinator - Iasi / Bacau

SCC Services Romania
3 positions
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

Ideal candidate:
  • Good English communication skills;
  • Attention to details and analytical skills;
  • Hard working, performance driven, solution oriented, team centric;
  • Available to work in 8h shifts: Monday to Fridayn 10.00 - 23.00; periodically: Saturday 10:00 - 22:00 and Sunday 10.00 to 19.00;
  • Be a fast learner and able to multitask / prioritise;
  • Customer orientated / driven to achieve customer satisfaction.

Job Description

Main duties:
  • Manage incidents according to procedures, customer and area specifics;
  • Drive incidents towards a successful resolution;
  • Ensure service level agreements are met;
  • Personal and shared mailbox management;
  • Backlog and escalation management;
  • Liaise with customers, book appointments for engineers and ensure appointments are met;
  • Using agreed tools, keep customers up to date;
  • Liaise with the field engineering team in order to dynamically plan the engineer work day throughout;
  • Identify opportunities for improvement.

Company Description

Who we are

SCC is the technology division of Rigby Group PLC, a family owned and operated business with interests in aviation, airports, hotels, property development and financial services.

What we do

We enable people to do business by planning, supplying, integrating and managing IT for leading public and private sector businesses across Europe. We serve over 2500 customers in more than 50 countries and operate out of 75 locations in the UK, France, Romania and Spain.

Our areas of expertise include hardware, software, networking, IT security, Cloud, data centre services, print management and mobile devices.

Our mission: to make IT work for our customers to improve the way they do business, deliver quality IT solutions and services that change the way businesses do business, deliver long-term profit to invest back into the business and nurture a winning network of partners to create enduring value to our customers.

*Thank you for choosing to contact us. By sending your resume, you agree to our processing of your Data for recruitment purposes (where Data refers to your personal information such as your name, phone number, email address and your resume). We assure you that your Data will be used for recruitment purposes only, for a retention time of 5 years or until you decide to withdraw your consent, at any time, by sending an e-mail to Also, you may contact us on the same e-mail address to exercise any of the rights granted by GDPR (Regulation 2016/679). Further details about our Data Protection Policy can be found here: http://sccintranet/uk/gdpr-information/.

We are SCC – great things happen when we work together!

Published Feb 11, 2025Updated Feb 11, 2025Expires Mar 13, 2025
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