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1 position
Job - pending verification

Ideal Candidate

Who is Hilti?

Hilti Romania obtained the „Great Place to Work” Certification , one of the most prestigious awards ︋︁︂︊︉︄︊️​︂︆︄︃​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎for ︋︁︂︊︉︄︊️​︂︆︄︃​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎organizational culture and work environment.
The „Great Place to Work” Certification validates our commitment for our employees wellbeing and creating a positive work environment, and it also testifies our engagement and satisfaction as a team.
Hilti is where innovation is improving productivity, safety and sustainability in the global construction industry, and beyond. Where strong customer relationships are creating solutions that build a better future. Where there is pride and a sense of belonging across our 120 locations, carrying right into our lives and homes. Where people are exploring possibilities, leveraging their potential, owning their personal development and growing lasting careers.

We would love to hear from you if you have:
University degree in engineering, civil or commercial
Relevant functional experience, ideally retail, and commercial knowledge in order to interact with internal and external customers.
Ability to manage time, multi-task and prioritize effectively.
Results oriented and pro-active – a consistent overachiever of goals and objectives.
IT skills including MS-Office
Superior verbal and written communication skills with excellent interpersonal abilities.As part of your interview process, we’ll invite you to spend a couple of hours in Hilti Store to give you a feel for the job and the caliber of our people.

Are you a people person? If you’re also a team player with energy, commitment and competitive drive, you could be the perfect fit to help build on our strong customer relationships.

Job Description

What's the role?
We’re looking for a proactive Hilti Store Representative in Bucharest to join our Hilti Store sales team. But this is no ordinary sales team. Our people come from all different backgrounds with a shared dedication to high performance, consistent results and outstanding customer service.

What does the role involve?
Managing inventory, sales records, administrative functions, order information, maintaining the customer database, dealing directly with walk-in customers and local team members on a daily basis, consultative sales, responsible for arranging HS according to internal processes, maintain relationships with courier companies.
Activity will take place in Chitila Hilti Store.

Hilti Key Facts
We fill 80% of our management positions with our own internal candidates. It’s testament to how much we value and develop our people.

What do we offer?
We’ll give you full responsibility for the running of your Hilti Store, which means the flexibility and freedom to make your own decisions. Whatever it takes to deliver exceptional results. You’ll come up with ideas to appeal to your local customers – like holding public workshops or demonstration days – and devise marketing campaigns to promote these events.

In return for delivering consistent results, you’ll receive one-to-one career mentoring, as well as exciting opportunities to broaden your role and potentially move around the business.

Company Description

Hilti Romania a obținut certificarea "Great Place to Work", una dintre cele mai prestigioase recunoașteri în domeniul culturii organizaționale și al mediului de lucru. Certificarea "Great Place to Work" nu este doar o validare a angajamentului nostru față de bunăstarea angajaților și crearea unui mediu de lucru pozitiv, ci și un indicator al angajamentului și satisfacției noastre ca echipă. Descoperiți un loc de muncă unic! Hilti!

Produsele, tehnologiile, software-ul si serviciile noastre de top pun in miscare industria constructiilor globala, inclusiv unele dintre cele mai ambitioase reusite din inginerie. De la infiintare, in anul 1941, si pana in prezent, am parcurs un drum lung, insa nu ne-am pierdut ambitia de a ne dezvolta. Suntem prezenti la nivel global cu sedii in peste 127 de tari si peste 30 000 de angajati.

La Hilti, gandim in functie de clienti in tot ceea ce facem. Suntem punctul de reper pentru orice nevoie din domeniul constructiilor, oferind servicii complete - de la solftware-uri pentru proiectare, produse si unelte pentru munca de santier, la traininguri, reparatii, testare si consultanta. Credem ca nu este suficient sa lucrezi doar din birou. Pentru a putea gasi solutii care sa transforme munca in constructii intr-una mai rapida, mai usoara si mai sigura echipele Hilti lucreaza in stransa colaborare cu clientii pe santiere pentru a cunoaste si a intelege nevoile reale ale acestora.

Urmarim dezvoltarea pe termen lung si nu castigul pe termen scurt, si pentru asta ne place sa facem lucrurile altfel. Avem propriile laboratoare de cercetare si proiectare Hilti, ce colaboreaza cu universitati tehnice si parteneri de top din toata lumea, ne fabricam produsele in unitati proprii ale companiei si ne asiguram impreuna cu partenerii externi ca toate acestea respecta standarde de calitate superioara, si cream tehnologii, software-uri si servicii ce se diferentiaza de toate celelalte. Pentru a furniza aceste solutii inovatoare clientilor Hilti, suntem in cautare de oameni dedicati, performanti care sa se alature echipei noastre.

Avem un mediu de lucru unic, alcatuit din oameni din diferite domenii cu un angajament exceptional fata de client. Este un loc de munca dinamic, unde succesul se bazeaza pe munca in echipa si unde va provocam sa va depasiti limitele. E o energie vibranta distincta pe care nu se poate sa nu o simtiti. De pe pozitia noastra puternica si prospera, dorim sa consolidam pozitia de lider pe piata in urmatorii ani. Pentru a face acest lucru, cautam oameni cu performante inalte cu capacitatea si determinarea de a duce Hilti mai departe. Puteti fi unul dintre ei?
Published Feb 25, 2025Updated Feb 25, 2025Expires Mar 27, 2025
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