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Renewable Energy Intern

ProCredit Bank
1 position
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Ideal Candidate

We invest extensively in the training and development of our staff in order to create an open and efficient working atmosphere and to provide friendly and competent service for our clients!

If you meet the following criteria:
  • Fluent in English
  • University or Master Graduate/Student in the fields of Electrical Engineering or Energetics
  • Passioned and knowledgeable about environmental protection
  • Willingness to learn banking concepts
  • Entrepreneurial thinking
  • Very good analytical thinking skills, along with the ability to communicate complex issues in a structured and concise manner
  • Willingness and ability to communicate with colleagues from other countries, senior management of the Bank or Business Clients on a level playing field
.. then we are willing to invest in you our time and resources to train you as a Renewable Energy Intern, via our international ProCredit Onboarding Programme.
The ProCredit Onboarding Programme combines both theoretical and practical training modules. Some of them will be held online, some in the local ProCredit Bank and others at our Training Centre in Serbia. It is about working in teams, preparing projects and presentations, exploring and debating concepts, critically assessing processes, and adapting to cultural and social differences in an international environment.

Job Description

Then, as a Renewable Energy Intern in ProCredit Bank you will be able to exercise your Environmental Enthusiasm and ..
  • Perform specific calculations and using existing tools for the technical analysis and impact measuring of financed green investments, based on the ProCredit methodology for green loans
  • Support the team in the development and expansion of energy efficiency, renewable energy and environmentally friendly projects in the area of green finance at ProCredit Bank Romania
  • Contribute to sustainable development in Romania
  • Directly impact the development of the business environment
.. And It’s also about having fun and sharing experiences with great people!

Company Description

ProCredit Bank reprezinta banca ce ofera servicii complete de produse bancare la cele mai inalte standarde. Suntem orientati spre client si ne concentram atentia sa oferim acestora, fie ei persoane fizice sau intreprinderi, servicii bancare excelente.

Primele banci ProCredit au fost fondate in urma cu mai bine de 10 ani, vizand un impact semnificativ asupra dezvoltarii prin oferirea de servicii de finantare care sa sustina cresterea afacerilor mici si sa incurajeze persoanele si familiile cu venituri mici si medii sa economiseasca prin facilitati atractive la depozite. Drept urmare, am crescut rapid si am ajuns astazi sa ne mandrim ca suntem unul dintre principalii furnizori de servicii bancare pentru micii intreprinzatori in cele mai multe din tarile in care ProCredit isi desfasoara activitatea.

La ProCredit Bank punem valoare pe transparenta in comunicarea cu clientii, ne implicam activ pentru a minimiza amprenta de carbon a institutiei si furnizam servicii bazate pe intelegerea situatiei fiecarui client si pe o analiza financiara solida. Ne concentram pe finantarea intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii, deoarece suntem convinsi ca aceste afaceri creeaza locuri de munca si au o contributie vitala la dezvoltarea economica a tarilor in care opereaza. Oferim facilitati de economisire simple si accesibile, servicii bancare online, dar si investim resurse substantiale in educatia economica si promovam o cultura a economisirii si responsabilitatii financiare pentru toti clientii ProCredit Bank.

Ca angajator, la ProCredit Bank apreciem diversitatea in ceea ce priveste studiile urmate, experienta de munca si personalitatea, avem o structura organizatorica simpla si impreuna, ne straduim sa oferim servicii excelente si responsabile clientilor bancii, si sa imbunatatim activitatea institutiei noastre. Pentru ca ne miscam intr-un mediu aflat in continua schimbare, progresam permanent, ne straduim sa fim in pas cu schimbarile, investim masiv in training-uri, organizam cursuri specializate pentru diferite pozitii din cadrul ProCredit dar si seminarii de grup, asigurand astfel abilitatile si competentele necesare fiecarui angajat.

Vino si tu sa faci parte din echipa ProCredit Bank!

Published Nov 22, 2024Updated Dec 12, 2024Expires Dec 22, 2024
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