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Regional Sales Engineer

HR Broker
1 position
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Ideal Candidate

We are looking for an experienced Regional Sales Engineer for our client — a company specializing in complete solutions for product quality control.

You can be the next employee if:
  • You have a technical degree in Mechanical Engineering, Machine Construction, Materials Science, or Material Resistance, Physics or Chemistry.
  • Preferably, you bring at least 3 year of experience in quality control equipment operation or sales of industrial equipment, mechanical testing machines for metals, plastics, composites, rubber, paper, or agricultural machinery.
  • You are naturally curious and eager to learn new aspects related to your field and the company.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office is a must, and familiarity with ERP systems is a plus.
  • Strong communication skills enable you to connect effectively with colleagues and clients.
  • You are proactive, solution-oriented, and take the initiative to meet clients’ needs, driving results.
  • You can set priorities and organize your time efficiently.

Job Description

As part of the team, you will:
  • Engage in consultative sales activities for quality control equipment.
  • Present product features and provide technical consultancy at the client’s location, via email, and/or phone.
  • Manage and expand your client portfolio.
  • Communicate clearly and effectively with potential clients and with technical, finance and service teams.
  • Implement sales strategies as directed by your Sales Manager in your designated area.
  • Prepare tailored offers to meet each client’s needs.
  • Negotiate sales terms, delivery, and payment conditions.
  • Produce weekly reports in ERP system.
  • Participate in symposiums, seminars, or industry exhibitions.

You will receive a fair salary package, consisting of a fixed part of 1500-1800 Euro, meal vouchers, VIP membership for medical services, bonuses and a challenging commission plan. The necessary work tools – car, laptop, phone are implied for this job.

Company Description

Prin transmiterea CV-ului, sunteți de acord ca HR Broker (Strategic Management Broker) să prelucreze datele dvs. cu caracter personal în scopul recrutării de personal. Potrivit legislației aplicabile, aveți dreptul de a ne solicita accesul la datele dvs. cu caracter personal, rectificarea, restricționarea, ștergerea și portabilitatea acestora, dreptul de a vă opune prelucrării, precum și dreptul de va retrage consimțământul (dacă prelucrarea se efectuează în baza acestui temei), trimițându-ne o cerere prin email. Detalii despre prelucrarea datelor dvs. de către HR Broker (Strategic Management Broker) puteți găsi pe site-ul companiei.

Published Mar 3, 2025Updated Mar 3, 2025Expires Mar 10, 2025
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