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Raissensun Consulting S.R.L.
1 position
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Ideal Candidate

📢Alătură-te echipei noastre! Căutăm un Recruiter dedicat, disponibil sa lucreze de la birou - zona Piata Romana- Bucuresti!

🔍Ce căutăm:
- Abilitati foarte bune de organizare, comunicare, prezentare şi relaţionare
- Capacitatea de a urmari si solutiona mai multe proiecte de recrutare/selectie in paralel - muncitori calificati si necalificati pentru Israel si Germania
- Studii tehnice finalizate ( de preferat constructii, inginerie, arhitectura)
- Limba engleza - conversational

Job Description

🎯Responsabilitățile tale vor include:
- Identificarea si administrarea canalelor de recrutare potrivite pentru posturile vacante
- Concepe si posteaza anunturile de recrutare
- Contacteaza candidatii selectati pentru testare tehnica (muncitori constructii)

🌟 Ce oferim:
- Un mediu de lucru prietenos și dinamic.
- Un pachet salarial competitiv, in functie de experienta

Company Description

Stone Group Corporation is an international hub of companies acting in different fields such as construction, industrial and agriculture sector. With origins stretching from 1995, the company has grown into an international organization with operations in Germany, Canada, Israel, Netherlands, Ireland and Romania.

In business for over 27 years, Stone Group and its subsidiaries around the world have hired and supplied over 18.000 workers in a variety of industries and in many different areas including construction, agriculture, mushroom picker, factories, nursing homes, meat packing and processing plants, hotels, restaurants, and many more.

Published Feb 5, 2025Updated Feb 5, 2025Expires Mar 7, 2025
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