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Project Manager

Nidec Oradea SRL
1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate


  • University degree in Electrical or mechanical engineering
  • Minimum 1-3 years of proven experience in a similar function
  • Fluent in English
  • Similar roles in Industrialization and Localization are considered a plus
  • Good knowledge of Project Management principles and best practice
  • Good knowledge of Supply chain principles within industrial sector
  • Good knowledge of Product Industrialization rules and development tools
  • Good knowledge of Manufacturing Design
  • Knowledge and experience with any PLM system is appreciated
  • Proficient in MS Office (Excel, Outlook, Word, PowerPoint) and MS Project
  • Technical savvy
  • Ability to quickly adapt to new situations and circumstances
  • Ability to communicate efficiently with others (including working in remote teams)

Job Description


  • Assess the economical and operation feasibility of the Localization in the targeted countries in reference to the actual situation
  • Ensure that the localization and/or industrialization project assigned by the BU is completed in all its deliverables, respecting the planned schedule, the desired scope and the budgeted costs
  • Coordinate the assigned project team within the involved countries
  • Reportprogress and status of the project to the Steering Committee set for the Project
  • Inform project’s stakeholder on progresses and manage their expectation
  • Manage project variation in case they are required

Company Description

Nidec is a world-leading motor company, founded in 1973, with over 230 companies and 110,000 employees worldwide. As a company that works for everything that spins and moves and which combines technology with engineering, our business portfolio spans a wide range of industries which we encounter in our everyday life, including IT, home electronics, industrial equipment, automobiles, aeroplanes, ships, robots, and electricity generation. We are characterized by our passion, enthusiasm, and tenacity, which helps us provide solutions and one-of-a-kind products. Together with us, you can build the future of technology. One vision, one Nidec.

Compania Nidec este lider mondial pe piața motoarelor, fiind înființată în Japonia în anul 1973. Astăzi Nidec însumează peste 230 de companii și 110.000 de angajați în lumea întreagă. Nidec este o companie care oferă soluții pentru tot ce pune lumea în mișcare, combinând tehnologia și ingineria cu success. Portofoliul nostru de afaceri cuprinde o gamă largă de industrii pe care le întâlnim în viața noastră de zi cu zi, precum IT, electrocasnice, echipamente industriale, automobile, avioane, nave, roboți și generarea de energie electrică.Valorile centrale ale companiei sunt pasiunea, entuziasmul și tenacitatea. Împreună cu noi poți să participi la dezvoltarea tehnologiei de mâine. O singură viziune, aceeași Nidec.

Published Feb 5, 2025Updated Feb 19, 2025Expires Mar 7, 2025
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