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1 position
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Ideal Candidate

- experienta pe masini de: frezare, strunjire, debitare, presare, sertizare ,filetare, diferite operatii de asamblari de componente;
-cunostinte desen tehnic;
-abilitati motrice/ dexteritate;
-abilitatea de a lucra conform instuctiunilor de lucru;
-atentie la detalii, acuitate vizuala;
-responsabilitate si flexibilitate;
-disponibilitate la lucru in schimburi.

Job Description

Se lucrează în secția de producție, operatorul va deservii mai multe utilaje menite sa duca la finalizarea produsului.

Principalele responsabilitati:
-aprovizionarea locului de muncă cu materiale, semifabricate, in conformitate cu tehnologia de fabricatie;
-este insarcinat cu transportul, manipularea şi depozitarea materialelor, semifabricatelor şi destinaţia tehnologică şi în funcţie de prescripţiile furnizorului, în spaţii special amenajate (marcate);
-asigură funcţionarea maşinilor;
-studiaza comanda, pregăteşte maşina pentru executarea lucrării;
-prelucrează piesele;
-verifică vizual integritatea pieselor executate, starea şi aspectul suprafeţelor prelucrate;
-depozitează şi expediază piesele prelucrate;
-completeaza documentele referitoare la producție.

- tichete de masa in valoare de 30 RON/zi;
- transport gratuit asigurat;
- abonament servicii medicale;
- asigurare de viata si/sau accidente;
- extra zile de concediu;
- evenimente/petreceri companie;
- al treisprezecelea salariu;
- ore suplimentare platite 200%;
- traininguri.

Company Description

Terwa is a company with more than 25 years’ experience in the production of metal components for construction and precast industry. Terwa deploys the latest technology and has developed long-term partnerships with companies throughout the world. Every year, our factory in Ghimbav, Braşov (Romania) delivers large volumes of Terwa products to our customers around the globe. Terwa’s modular structure allows it to constantly adapt to growing market trends. Terwa has outstripped its competition thanks to a flexible way of working and customized products that take full account of our partners’ needs, and the best price/performance ratio. Terwa defines itself as a quality producer, the company is certified to ISO 9001:2015 by Lloyd’s Register. All our products have a technical approval. The quality of our products is constantly monitored throughout the entire production process and also by international specialist laboratories. Terwa is in charge of the entire process of manufacturing a product, from the concept and the design right through to after-sales service. This allows us to adapt to any requirements and to satisfy our customers’ needs. The most important tasks of the design and development departments are to create new products and to improve existing products, matching themselves to the demands of the construction and precast industry with the latest technical challenges adopted with innovative solutions. Collaboration with our partners is based on trust and a long-term relationship

Published Mar 5, 2025Updated Mar 5, 2025Expires Apr 4, 2025
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