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Operator Call Center Remote

10 positions
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Ideal Candidate

Esti invitatul nostru pentru a invata secretele negocierii si iti oferim tot suportul in a-ti creste veniturile facand ceea ce ︌︀︉︋︁️︉︂​︂︆︄︃​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎︌︀︉︋︁️︉︂​︂︆︄︃​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎︌︀︉︋︁️︉︂​︂︆︄︃​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎iti place:
  • Vorbind la telefon;
  • Fiind sociabil si comunicativ;
  • Sa fii activ, cu initiativa, dornic de a invata lucruri noi.
Ne dorim sa faci parte din echipa noastra si vom construi impreuna o cariera de succes in vanzari pentru TINE! ︌︀︉︋︁️︉︂​︂︆︄︃​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎

Job Description

Ce trebuie sa faci?

Sa vinzi prin apel telefonic catre clientii companiei cele mai bune produse ale brand-urilor noastre, ︁︀​︂︃︃​︉︉​︁︂︈︁︀​︂︃︃​︇︉​︆︄astfel ︁︀​︂︃︃​︇︅​︀ne dorim sa ajutam clientii nostri sa isi schimbe viața in bine.

Cu cat vinzi mai mult, cu atat castigi mai mult!

  • Bonus in functie de vanzari;
  • Tichete de masa;
  • Asigurare medicala privata;
Plan de dezvoltare profesionala, posibilitati de promovare in cadrul companiei.

Company Description

DORMEO HOME is a leading expert in sleep and wellbeing solutions. We develop, manage, and distribute well-known brands like Dormeo, Mlily, and Essence Sleep, reaching customers across various markets, primarily in Europe. Our strength lies in the powerful omnichannel sales platform with a diverse mix of channels, including TV, internet, SMS, telemarketing, and print, to connect with you wherever you are. For our most loyal customers, we offer Club5*, a multi-brand loyalty program with exclusive benefits tailored to your needs. Our most recognized brand, Dormeo, embodies innovation and trust. For over 20 years, we've been perfecting the science of sleep, helping over 100 million customers experience the transformative power of sleep .

Join us - we are a motivated international team with extensive experience and ambitious plans for the future. We work in an atmosphere of positive energy, trust and responsibility for results.

Published Feb 14, 2025Updated Feb 14, 2025Expires Mar 16, 2025
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