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Operator Calculator Logistica Venit 4000 lei Net

2 positions
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Ideal Candidate

Operator Calculator Logistica Venit 4000 lei Net
- Atentie sporita la detalii;
- Experienta in logistica si distributie;
- Persoana calma, organizata si constincioasa;
- Cunostinte de operare PC - ideal AS400 ;
- Situdii superioare (finalizate sau in curs);
- Capacitatea de a comunica in mod coerent verbal si scris;
- Capacitate de a lucra sub presiune si de a respecta termenele.

Job Description

- Gestionarea documentelor implicate in procesul de distributie a marfurilor;
- Inregistrarea corecta si la zi in programul de utilizare a datelor de contabilitate primara si gestiune contabila: facturi de intrare de marfa/ servicii;
- Asigura transferul si procesarea de fisiere utilizand aplicatii specifice;
- Mentine legatura cu clientii telefonic si prin mail;

Company Description

cargo-partner is a leading multinational freight forwarder and integrated logistics provider with particular strength in intercontinental transport solutions.

Based in Austria, cargo-partner is present in over 40 countries with more than 3400 employees and continues to grow and expand across the world.

Our employees are highly motivated professionals from many different nations with diverse cultural backgrounds who share a common passion for their work, excellent communication skills and a strong entrepreneurial approach.

We offer an interesting career kick-start for talented people without experience as well as a rewarding opportunity for accomplished logistics and business professionals.

We believe in establishing long-term relationships and investing in the continuous development of our employees.

If you are looking for a vital and challenging position in an innovative and dynamic international company, we want to get to know you! Submit your application and CV via our on-line job portal today.

Published Jan 23, 2025Updated Jan 30, 2025Expires Feb 22, 2025
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