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Online Performance Manager

1 position
Job - pending verification

Ideal Candidate

What we're looking for:
  • At least 4 years experience in online marketing;
  • Online Marketing advanced knowledge: Social Media, Google AdWords, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, Sklik, Microsoft, Meiro Advertisin, E-mail marketing (graduated courses in the field are an advantage);
  • Ability to analyze and measure the results of the campaigns;
  • Excellent expression skills, both verbally and in writing, and to compose synthesis or analysis texts, creative and easy to understand;
  • Ability to organize and respect deadlines;
  • Technically-oriented;
  • Excellent time management and organizational skills, including the ability to respond to changing priorities;
  • Good English skills, both verbal & written.

Job Description

Main tasks & responsibilities:
  • Planning, creating and managing PPC campaigns across various channels and systems (Google Ads, Sklik, Microsoft Advertising, Bing, Tiktok, Youtube etc.);
  • Creating traffic estimates for advertising campaigns;
  • Reporting, consulting, communication;
  • Participating in the creation of online marketing strategies for DERTOUR;
  • Communication and consultation in the field of marketing in E-EU countries;
  • Analysis and segmentation of customers on the Meiro platform;
  • Work and analysis in Google Analytics;
  • Performing ad hoc tasks based on instructions from supervisor;
  • Coordinting with PPC Agency in order to achieve target and reach kpi’s;
  • Conduct keyword research and analysis to identify the mmost relevant and high performing keywords for PPC campaigns;
  • Create compelling ad copy and design effective landing pages to drive conversions;
  • Monitor and track campaign performance, making data-diven decisions to optimize campaigns for maximum ROI;
  • Test and experiment with different ad formats, targeting options and bidding strategies.

Other tasks & responsibilities:
  • Systematic maintenance of the necessary documentation in accordance with the company's internal regulations;
  • Actively educate himself/herself in his/her area of expertise, communication skills and software used in the company;
  • Participate in meetings, missions and training sessions as directed by his/her supervisor;
  • Comply with the company's internal regulations, in particular the Work Rules and the regulations applicable to his/her work, as well as the rules on occupational health and safety and safety in accordance with the employer's internal regulations;
  • Maintain and develop the good name of the company;
  • Comply with the principles of personal data protection in accordance with the GDPR and the employer's internal regulations.

  • Medical subscription to a private clinic;
  • Meal tickets;
  • Preferential rates for own vacations;
  • Bookster subscription, the largest corporate library;
  • Coffee/Tea Corner.

The activity: exclusively from the office.

Company Description

Dertour aduce in Romania promisiunea unei oferte variate de produse turistice, a sigurantei si, nu in ultimul rand, a calitatii germane.

Parte a grupului german REWE, Dertour a preluat in septembrie 2019 activitatile de turism ale Grupului Eurolines, devenind astfel lider al pietei din Romania.

Grupul REWE functioneaza din 1927 si este astazi al patrulea angajator din Germania. Are o cifra de afaceri de 61 miliarde de euro, 360.000 angajati si 10.000 puncte de vanzare.

Grupul DER Touristik a fost fondat in 1917 si reprezinta divizia de turism a Grupului REWE. Are o cifra de afaceri de 6 miliarde de euro, 10.500 angajati si 2.800 agentii. Este prezent in 16 tari din Europa, incluzand Romania, si are peste 10 milioane de clienti anual.

“Inainte de a aplica la aceasta pozitie, va invitam sa accesati urmatorul link: pentru a va informa despre modul in care DER Touristik prelucreaza datele dvs. personale. * Vor fi contactati doar candidatii selectati.”

Published Mar 4, 2025Updated Mar 4, 2025Expires Apr 3, 2025
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