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Maintenance Supervisor

1 position
Job - pending verification

Ideal Candidate

Must be able to communicate effectively at various levels of the organization.
Must be able to lead employees and assure they are completely tasks and working safely.
Proven ability to set and communicate challenging team goals and to achieve them through collaborative team leadership.
Data driven and analytic with technical ability to solve complex problems and exercise judgement based on the analysis of multiple sources of information.
Experience identifying maintenance expenditures, downtime, etc. and analyzing data to recommend areas of improvement.
Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or equivalent experience and technical training/education.
Minimum of 5 years manufacturing maintenance experience with minimum of 3 years in a leadership role.
Lean manufacturing knowledge/certification a plus.
Proficiency with Microsoft Office applications.
Experience with CMMS software (Maximo, MP2, SAP, etc.)
Medium to Advanced English language speaker.

Job Description

Lead in troubleshooting plant equipment.
Coordinate maintenance personnel to ensure each shift and team has adequate resources and the training necessary to perform daily job tasks.
Maintain adequate supply of critical spare parts in maintenance shops.
Purchase parts as required for specific jobs.
Will hold direct reports accountable and responsible to comply with all safety/Lock Out/Tag Out rules and guidelines. Follow / apply corrective action policy when necessary; commend team members who are observed following safe practices.
Contribute to the development of maintenance budget and ensure compliance
Monitor inventory of materials and equipments
Participate in coordinaton of projects
Provide performance evaluation, training and development of all direct reports, managing issues of discipline/termination.
Work closely with the maintenance planner to plan maintenance days and adjust schedules as required to satisfy Production needs.

Company Description

Suntem cel mai nordic producător de anvelope din lume. Originea noastră finlandeză este fundația pe care am construit echipa globală Nokian Tyres. Îți oferim un loc sigur în care să lucrezi și să evoluezi, ca un adevărat pionier al meseriei tale. De la prima anvelopă de iarnă în 1934 și până la prima unitate de producție cu zero emisii de CO2 din lume în 2024 – Siguranța este o provocare demnă de o echipă curajoasă. Vino alături de Nokian Tyres! Împreună facem călătoriile mai sigure, generație cu generație!

We are the world's northernmost tire manufacturer. Our Finnish origins are the foundation on which we have built the global Nokian Tyres team. We offer you a safe place to work and grow as a true pioneer of your craft. From the first winter tire in 1934 to the world's first zero CO2 production facility in 2024 - Safety is a challenge worthy of a brave team. Join Nokian Tyres! Together we make traveling safer, generation after generation!

Published Mar 4, 2025Updated Mar 4, 2025Expires Apr 3, 2025
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