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Lucrator concierge (customer care/sales support)

Stejarii Country Club
2 positions
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

Are you looking for a job in sports, leisure and spa field?
Take your chance and join our team as Lucraor concierge/Receptionist!
• Fluency in English;
• Customer service orientation;
• Communication skills - verbal and written;
• Listening skills;
• Problem analysis and problem-solving.

Job Description

Interact with customers to provide and process information in response to inquiries, concerns and requests about products and services.
• Respond promptly to customer inquiries;
• Deal directly with customers either by telephone, electronically or face to face;
• Handle and resolve customer requests;
• Obtain and evaluate all relevant information to handle product and service inquiries;
• Provide pricing and delivery information;
• Process orders, forms, applications and requests;
• Organize workflow to meet customer time frames;
• Direct requests and unresolved issues to the designated resource;
• Manage customers' accounts;
• Keep records of customer interactions and transactions;
• Prepare and distribute customer activity reports;
• Maintain customer databases;
• communicate and coordinate with internal departments;
• Follow up on customer interactions;
• Provide feedback on the efficiency of the customer service process.
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Company Description

Situat in Padurea Baneasa, in inima unei zone verzi, cu aer curat, departe de atmosfera zgomotoasa si aglomerata a Capitalei, Stejarii Country Club se intinde pe o suprafata impresionanta de aproximativ 22.000 mp. Stejarii Country Club imbina perfect oportunitatile de networking social si de afaceri cu activitati sportive in interior si in aer liber, fitness, Spa, relaxare si spatii dedicate celor mici.
Misiunea complexului nostru este de a crea un cadru confortabil in care se impletesc armonios serviciile de sport, divertisment, relaxare si wellness, adaptate unei game variate de nevoi. Scopul nostru este de a-i face pe membrii si invitatii clubului sa scape de agitatia urbana si sa se lasa rasfatati in acest spatiu deosebit.

Published Feb 18, 2025Updated Feb 18, 2025Expires Mar 20, 2025
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