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Logistics Manager

1 position
Job verified

Job verified

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Ideal Candidate


University degree (technical or economic);
Experience minimum 3 years in a similar position;
Very good computer skills;
Good knowledge of English/French or German;
Knowledge about the warehouse and handling of raw material and chemical products;
Basic knowledge of Romanian Customs Laws and procedures.

Job Description


- Coordinating and manage the activity of planning and logistic of the plant;
- Assume logistics commitments with customers and suppliers;
- Manage the personnel from the department;
- Prepare purchase orders for raw materials necessary for the production according to the PULL SYSTEM;
- Coordinate the logistics of raw materials and finished goods;
- Keep a permanent contact with the clients assuring planning follow up;
- Manage the stock of raw materials and finished goods ensuring goal achievement;
- Coordinate the plant inventory;
- Issue and update procedures for the use of his department;
- Control transportation cost and ensure improvement of transports;
- Ensure goods handling and storage of the chemical products;
- Participate in all company improvement plans, defining goals and ensuring targets, taking immediate actions in case of deviations;
- Follow-up of the production plan, along with the Production Supervisor, controlling the sequence and the execution time;
- Assure customer satisfaction follow-up and evaluation of suppliers, on logistics terms

Company Description

„COFICAB este lider global în proiectarea, producția și vânzarea de fire și cabluri pentru industria auto. Ca parte a grupului industrial multinațional tunisian ELLOUMI Group, fondat în, ne mândrim cu o moștenire solidă și o viziune inovatoare pentru viitor.

COFICAB România este unul dintre cele 17 centre industriale moderne ale companiei, certificat ca Top Employer 2024. Cu două unități de producție în Arad și Ploiești, distribuim produse atât pe plan național și cât și internațional.

La COFICAB, oferim celor aproximativ 700 de angajați un mediu de lucru favorabil, încurajând dezvoltarea profesională și personală. Ne angajăm să promovăm responsabilitatea socială și de mediu prin diverse inițiative CSR, contribuind activ la bunăstarea comunităților în care operăm.

Pentru a aplica și a afla mai multe despre oportunitățile de carieră, vizitează și pagina noastră de Linkedin! Te așteptăm în echipa noastră!”


„COFICAB is a global leader in the design, manufacturing, and sales of wires and cables, mainly for the automotive industry. As part of the Tunisian multinational industrial group, Elloumi Group, founded in, we take pride in our strong heritage and innovative vision for the future.

COFICAB Romania is one of the company's 17 state-of-the-art industrial centers, certified as a Top Employer 2024. With two production units in Arad and Ploiești, we distribute products throughout the entire country and beyond.

At COFICAB, we provide a nurturing work environment for our approximately 700 employees, encouraging both professional and personal development. We are committed to promoting social and environmental responsibility through various CSR initiatives, actively contributing to the well-being of the communities in which we operate.

To apply and learn more about career opportunities, visit our Linkedin page! We look forward to welcoming you to our team!”

Published Nov 26, 2024Updated Nov 26, 2024Expires Dec 26, 2024
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