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IT Project Manager

1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate


• University Degree (preferably, Economics or Computer Science);
• Proven experience in handling similar roles;
• Proven experience in business analysis and project management roles and capabilities of translating business requirements to technical change request;
• Experience in leading internal teams, or trans-departmental if necessary;
• Economics understanding and basic budget management;
• Work experience of at least 2 years in a medium or large company;
• Good knowledge and understanding of business applications eco-systems such as ERP, WMS, CRM, etc and basic understanding of SQL Database structures;
• Fluent in English;
• High level of accuracy and attention to detail;
• Ability to adapt to on-going change and work in a fast-paced, deadline intensive environment.

Job Description


• Take ownership of key Business Applications (e.g. ERP, WMS, other internal apps);
• Manage allocated vendor relationships, contracts, budgets and service level agreements (SLAs);
• Communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Advocate for the team externally and manage differing perspectives.
• Understand the importance of planning and forecasting in meeting milestones and deadlines.
• Show awareness of the different ways to develop, lead and follow a plan. Create reports on project status and identify potential problems that may cause delays.
• Actively address internal and external risks, issues and dependencies including where ownership exists outside the team.
• Listen to the needs of technical and business stakeholders and interpret them. Effectively manage stakeholder expectation.
• Handle Change Requests regarding business applications/processes and participate in offering a suitable solution.
• Define and document Change Request that fits business necessities, and work with external development contractors to ensure deliverables.
• Prepare proposals for new software development projects, business cases, presentations.
• Analyze business operational activities through multiple departments in the business and offer support to ServiceDesk team in delivering the best solution/ design.

Company Description

Brandul Agrii s-a lansat pe piata in 2012, in Marea Britanie. Agrii este marca inregistrata a grupului Origin Enterprises LTD. Furnizor de servicii agronomice, tehnologii performante si sfaturi tehnice, Agrii combina excelenta si inovatia cu cele mai recente cercetari, pentru a asigura fermierilor un raspuns la provocarile agricole de astazi.

Agrii Romania acopera in proportie de 100% suprafata agricola a Romaniei, adresandu-se atat segmentului de ferme mari, cat si fermelor mici. De asemenea, prin cele 22 de fitofarmacii Agrii, dar si cele peste 1.000 de fitofarmacii partenere, Agrii reuseste sa vina cu produse si servicii catre micul fermier/producator, fitofarmaciile fiind pozitionate in puncte cheie, cuprinzand aproape toate zonele agricole din tara. Agrii sprijina sectorul de productie agricola prin furnizarea de recomandari personalizate, inputuri si solutii agricole inteligente in vederea imbunatatirii productiilor fermierilor.

Valorile Agrii Romania:


Ne mandrim cu o echipa de peste 400 de colegi la nivel national si cautam sa intregim acesta echipa minunata cu colegi care sa impartaseasca valorile companie noastre si care sunt pasionati de domeniul agricol. Te incurajam sa aplici la unul dintre posturile disponibile si sa ne cunoastem!

Published Feb 18, 2025Updated Feb 18, 2025Expires Mar 20, 2025
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