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Inginer Chimist / Farmacist / Biochimist

1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

Fabrica materii prime pentru industria farmaceutica din jud. Dambovita angajeaza Farmacist / Biochimist / Inginer chimist pentru Laborator Control Calitate

Studii superioare de chimie/biochimie, farmacie sau inginerie chimica
Cunoștințe de limba engleză - nivel mediu;
Cunoștințe intermediare de operare PC (MS Word, MS Excel);Dorință de perfecționare continuă
Foarte bune abilitati de comunicare
Capacitate de lucru in echipa
Nu se solicita experienta profesionala

Job Description

Atributii post:

Efectuarea de analize fizico-chimice pentru verificarea calitatii produselor finite si a studiilor de stabilitate;
Verificare și calibrare periodica a echipamentelor de laborator conform procedurilor interne și instrucțiunilor de lucru;
Întocmire documentație specifică activităților de control calitate;
Se ofera:
Salariu Motivant
Mediu de lucru competitiv, profesionist, dinamic si innovator
Oportunitate de dezvoltare continua a carierei
Bonuri de masa

Company Description

Founded in, Marchand SRL is a second-generation family owned Romanian company that is one of the leaders in Eastern Europe for natural casings. We mainly focus on the processing and distribution of natural casings (sheep, hog and beef) to sausage factories and natural casing dealers across the world.

Our complementary activities also include:

The processing and distribution of pork by-products and pork cuts The provision of packaging solutions (films and bags) for the meat industry; The import and distribution of other auxiliary raw materials for the meat industry, such as additives, spices and artificial casings;


Our mission is to provide high quality natural products at reasonable rates. We have a deep understanding that, as human beings, our roots are deeply embedded in our past. We move forward by keeping our legacy alive, through hard work and dedication.


We envision a world in which, just as they did centuries ago, people will enjoy natural food, as part of their day-to-day life.

Values We Create Legacy

Here at Marchand, we believe in leaving behind a standing legacy for the future generation to come. We commit both a pledge to cherish the natural, and the traditional, but also to innovate; we look at what technology will be used tomorrow, and not used today.

We Define Excellence

We believe in setting a standard of quality and openness which define the market. The people at Marchand constantly strive to exceed expectations and to challenge assumptions.

We Nurture Openness

We build and nurture relationships based on equality, cooperation and transparency for all of our stakeholders – Clients, Partners and Employees.

Published Jan 9, 2025Updated Jan 9, 2025Expires Feb 8, 2025
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