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HR Specialist

1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

Job requirements:
At least 2 years of experience as an HR specialist
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Complete know-how of MS Office suite
Good organizational skills
Skills to multitask efficiently and the ability to work in a fast-paced work environment
Ability to work in a challenging workspace
Positive attitude towards challenges and excellent problem-solving skillsExcellent English level.

Job Description

Key Responsibilities:
Respond to employees’ queries and resolving issues in a timely and professional manner
Manage employee record documents
Update the company’s database with the employee records associated with recruiting, onboarding, incrementing, or terminating an employee
Keep track of employee’s attendance and time off
Assisting the new employees and explaining the work ethics and organization policies to them
Conduct monthly payroll reviews, statistics and reports
Support organizational culture to increase employee satisfaction
Helping new employees understand the legal standards and employment laws
Recruit and onboard new employees
Regular update the employee work record
Work for the betterment of the workspace environment
Make sure that all applicable laws, regulations, and standards are followed

Company Description

La GXO, suntem mandri ca reprezentam o echipa globala ce are talente la fiecare nivel al organizatiei. Ne concentram pe crearea unui loc de munca care sa permita tuturor sa se dezvolte. Avem grija de sanatatea si siguranta angajatilor nostri; diversitatea, respectul si accentul pe colaborare sunt principalele elemente ale modului care ne desfasuram activitatea si ale rezulatelor furnizate.

Oferim salarii competitive, posibilitati de dezvoltare a carierei pentru fiecare membru al echipei, lucrand intr-o companie agila, bazata pe tehnologie.

GXO SUPPLY CHAIN ROMANIA SRL este o companie specializata in activitati de depozitare, transport si distributie

Asteptam sa te alaturi echipei noastre!

Published Dec 17, 2024Updated Dec 17, 2024Expires Jan 16, 2025
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