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Force Field Manager/Area Sales Manager Distributie Directa

Tchibo Coffee Service
1 position
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Ideal Candidate

Tchibo Coffee Services, European leader in the B2B (business to business) coffee segment, is looking to recruit an Force Field Manager/Area Sales Manager for the Sales team - direct distribution, at the national level. The company can offer a complete solution: coffee, tea, chocolate powder, coffee machines, for both home and Out-of-Home (HoReCa, Vending and Office) segments.

- Higher education is an advantage;
- Punctuality, communication skills;
- Enterprise,persuasion;
- Driving license: category B;
- Experience in a company with a similar business would be an advantage;
- Good command of English; fluent in speaking will be an advantage;
- Residence in Bucharest.

Job Description

Main responsibilities:
- Organize activity of the subordinate Sales team - direct distribution;
- Supervises the work of agents (reporting, motivation, training);
- Solves the problems arising during the daily activity;
- Establish relationships development with new partners, customers, etc.
- Creates and send periodic reports, regarding the activity of the competitors in the coverage area, to the supervisor;
- Establish performance targets and evaluation criteria; participate in the evaluation of the annual
activity of subordinated staff; proposes training for subordinate sales agents;

- Employment contract;
- Motivating salary with all lawful security;
- Company car and mobile phone;
- Paid leave.

We can't wait to meet you! Develop your career with us!

Company Description

Tchibo Coffee Service ofera solutii complete: cafea, ceai, pudra de ciocolata, echipamente pentru prepararea cafelei pentru OOH (Ho.Re.Ca, Vending, Office).

Published Feb 5, 2025Updated Feb 5, 2025Expires Mar 7, 2025
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