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Events Coordinator

Explore Travel
1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

  • Cautam o persoana sociabila, deschisa, cu o atitudine pozitiva si mereu cu zambetul pe buze.
  • Experienta minim un an in organizare de evenimente sau intr-o agentie de turism specializata pe Business Travel
  • Este foarte important sa fie dispusa sa invete, sa fie deschisa la noi provocari profesionale si sa-i placa sa lucreze cu oamenii.
  • Trebuie sa fie organizata, serioasa, responsabila si atenta la detalii. Sa-i placa sa lucreze in echipa, sa fie mereu dispusa sa ajute colegii cu proiectele in desfasurare, sa fie proactiv in relatia cu clientii si colegii.
  • Deschidere pentru deplasari la evenimente

Job Description

  • Sprijin dedicat pentru Managerul de Evenimente
  • Discuta cu clientii pentru a intelege dorintele acestora si cauta solutii pentru a le oferta cele mai bune variante in conformitate cu solicitarilor lor
  • Solicita oferte de la furnizori, negocieaza tarifele, strange informatiile si creaza bugetul pentru eveniment si trimite oferta clientilor
  • Tine legatura cu clientii si cu furnizorii de servicii pentru pregatirea evenimentelor in cele mai bune conditii
  • Participa la eveniment si se asigura de buna desfasurare a acestuia
  • Emite contracte, anexe, facturi si tine legatura cu departamentul de contabilitate
  • Participa la pregatirea evenimentelor, merge in inspectie de prospectare a unor locatii penru evenimente
  • Salariu atractiv
  • Un mediu de lucru placut la birou cu sediul in centrul orasului Bucuresti
  • Bonuri de masa
  • Bonus pentru deplasari la evenimente
  • Lucru partial de la birou si de acasa

Company Description

Explore Travel a fost fondata in 2006 si este o agentie specializata in organizarea de evenimente corporate si in turism activ si vacante exotice.

Departamentul de corporate travel este unul extrem de activ si profesonist, oferind solutii clientilor pentru evenimente de toate marimile.

Our corporate mission statement serves as a credo which generally acknowledges our values, believes and purposes:

•To go for the authentic and for the melding of the traveler in his new environment •To seek the new and the unconventional in every destination •To inspire the explorer inside you •To incorporate a high level of added value to our travel consultancy and services

Our vision guides us throughout every level of our activity and describes an ideal framework for us in order to achieve sustainable results.

Product: to innovate by creating exciting, new and inspiring travel products, which anticipate and exceed customer`s needs and wishes;

People: to bring the traveler closer to the core of the destination and to inspire him to delve deep into the culture and environment of the locals

Partners: to create together with our partners a reliable, long-lasting relationship, mutual value and synergy effects

Planet: to generate throughout creative cooperations sustainable paths for development in protected areas and to sustain nature conservation

MICE Consultancy: concept , ideas, venues all around the country and world, top chefs, catering services or any other input to organize the perfect anniversary, seminar, product launch or presentation, business meeting, team-building, festive dinner, corporate parties, incentive trips

Leisure Tours, Round trips and Excursions: round trips in the heart of Romania`s historic regions Maramures, Transylvania, Bucovina and all across the world with focus on Asia, Africa and Europe, tours in the nature paradise Danube Delta, excursions in Romania`s most important cities – Cluj, Brașov, Sibiu, Constanța, marathon tours&running holidays, music events and city breaks all across Europe

Published Dec 24, 2024Updated Jan 1, 2025Expires Jan 23, 2025
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