Ideal Candidate
- graduate of higher education in the field, with a bachelor's degree, certification in the fields of Environmental Officer and Waste Management Manager, accredited by the Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity
- minimum 5 years general experience and minimum 3 years in the field of environmental protection and waste management
- specific requirements: knowledge of computer operation: Windows, Excel, Word, Lotus notes, ANPM reporting system, Outlook
- solid knowledge of national and European legislation in the field
- ability to anticipate and assess the consequences of a situation
- capacity for analysis, synthesis of information and decision-making
- ability to adapt to the specifics of a situation
- proactive and focused on achieving results
- driving license cat. B
- availability for travel.
Job Description
- Assists the executive management of the organization in defining and implementing the environmental policy, objectives and strategies of the organization
- Assumes the realization and fulfillment of plans for reducing pollution and the implementation of environmental management systems
- Identifies the risks and relevant environmental aspects in the company's activities
- Assesses the environmental impact produced by the company and can act in order to reduce and even eliminate it, by complying with the legal norms
- Prepares the necessary documentation and ensures obtaining the authorizations, agreements, approvals in the field of environmental protection and waste management
- Ensures the implementation and maintenance of the compliance of the environmental management system with the specified requirements
- Provides assistance in monitoring the Environment performance indicators as a process of evaluating the effectiveness of some reference organizations
- Cooperates with persons with specific duties in the field of occupational safety and health, as long as necessary, to prevent occupational accidents and diseases
- Periodically establishes the education and training needs of the staff in the field of environmental protection, by categories of personnel.
Company Description
Progresul începe cu noi.
Aproape 83.000 de oameni lucrează în STRABAG, în peste 12.000 de santiere din întreaga lume, pentru progres. Proiectele noastre sunt unice și cu o individualitate puternică, la fel ca fiecare dintre noi. De la construcții și inginerie structurală, construcții de drumuri și inginerie civilă, construcții de poduri și săpături de tuneluri, dezvoltare de proiecte, producție de materiale de construcții sau managementul clădirilor - gândim în perspectivă și ne propunem să devenim cel mai inovator și durabil grup de tehnologie în construcții din Europa. Oportunități egale de șanse, diversitatea și incluziunea sunt părți integrale a ceea ce suntem și este modul nostru de operare. Lucrăm împreună ca parteneri pentru a finaliza proiecte cu succes și pentru a crește odată cu noile provocări. Împreună realizăm lucruri mari.
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- Jan 16, 2025
Quality Management/ISO Certifications
Ploiesti3500 - 5500 RON net / month