Ideal Candidate
Are cunostinte solide in circuite de control al motoarelor, supape automate si comenzi de proces.
Are experienta in intretinerea masinilor si sistemelor de echipamente.
Poate citi documentatie tehnica, scheme electrice.
Cunoaste limba engleza, permitând o comunicare usoara - avantaj.
Are capacitatea de a lucra cu minima supraveghere si de a finaliza proiectele la timp.
Job Description
Este responsabil cu inspectarea masinilor si echipamentelor aflate in functiune, pentru respectarea standardelor de performanta operationala si de siguranta.
Este responsabil cu efectuarea reparatiilor, intretinerii si verificarilor periodice ale utilajelor.
Monteaza ocazional echipamente sau supravegheaza instalarea acestora.
Pune in functiune utilaje sau echipamente nou reparate pentru a verifica parametrii adecvati ai reparatiilor.
Observa si testeaza functionarea masinilor sau echipamentelor pentru diagnosticarea defectiunilor, folosind voltmetre sau alte dispozitive de testare.
Examineaza obiectele, sistemele sau instalatiile si analizeaza informatiile pentru a determina reparatiile necesare.
Efectueaza lucrari la sisteme electrice de joasa tensiune.
Respecta procedura de verificare a pieselor si componentelor.
Gestioneaza functionarea si practicile de depozitare in siguranta a echipamentelor si utilajelor.
Company Description
LPP Logistics is a logistics operator managing LPP Group’s procurement and distribution network comprising Distribution Centers and Fulfillment Centers with a total area of nearly 450,000 square metres. It operates on three continents providing a full range of logistics services – from sea, rail and road freight, through the operation of its own customs agency, to advanced warehouse logistics using modern systems such as WMS, warehouse automation and Warehouse Intelligence solutions based on artificial intelligence algorithms.
LPP is a Polish family business and one of the fastest growing clothing companies in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. For 30 years, it has been successfully operating in Poland and abroad, offering its collections in such prestigious capitals as London, Helsinki or Tel Aviv. LPP SA manages five fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito, and Sinsay, whose offer is available today in stationary and online stores in nearly 40 markets worldwide.