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Director tehnic Craiova

1 position
Job verified

Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

  • Studii superioare tehnice finalizate (instalatii/constructii/echipamente)
  • Minim 3 ani de experienta pe un post similar
  • Cunostiinte de utilizare PC+Windows+Microsoft Office
  • Capacitatea de a coordona echipe
  • Buna gestionare a prioritatilor
  • Capacitate de adaptabilitate
  • Managementul documentelor si respectarea procedurilor interne
  • Cunostiinte medii de limba engleza

Job Description

  • Gestionarea proiectelor de amenajare
  • Intocmirea documentatiei tehnice specifice
  • Mentinerea relatiei cu furnizorii
  • Administrare oferte si contracte diversi parteneri
  • Implementare si monitorizare plan de maintenace
  • Arhivarea electronica a documentelor
  • Managementul echipelor de personal tehnic si auxiliar

  • Salariu de baza atractiv + bonus
  • Tichete de masa + tichete cadou de sarbatori
  • Abonament medical
  • Asigurare pilonul III

Company Description

CATINVEST is a family-owned real estate company based in Paris. CATINVEST owns and manages a portfolio of more than 500 residential apartments in the most prestigious locations in central Paris. Besides this residential real estate activity, CATINVEST also develops a retail real estate activity both in France and Eastern Europe. In France, CATINVEST owns and manage a portfolio of retail park exceeding 100,000 sqm GLA with Tenants like Decathlon, Kiabi, Jysk, Office Depot, etc. as well as an outlet center (ONE NATION PARIS OUTLET) located a few kilometers west of Paris with brands like Armani, The North Face, Galeries LaFayette Outlet, Zadig&Voltaire, Trussardi, etc. In Eastern Europe, CATINVEST owns and manage commercial centers and retail parks in Hungary, Czech Republic, and in Romania anchored by top tiers hypermarket chains like Tesco, Cora, Auchan, and Carrefour. Globally, assets owned and managed by CATINVEST in France and Eastern Europe exceed 500,000 square meters GLA and 1,100 leases for a market value approaching 1 billion EUR. Our real estate company is characterized by a long term strategy and a cautious approach towards debt leveraging.

Published Feb 25, 2025Updated Feb 25, 2025Expires Mar 27, 2025
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