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Digital Marketing Strategist

1 position
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Ideal Candidate

Ideal Candidate

The ideal candidate has experience in a similar position within a marketing or technology company, demonstrates strong leadership and strategic planning abilities, and has a proven track record of driving client growth and forging successful partnerships.

You're the colleague we're looking for, if you have:
  • Excellent communication, negotiation, and presentation skills.
  • Strong analytical and strategic thinking abilities.
  • Proven track record of driving growth and ROI through innovative marketing strategies.

What you’ll bring to Evonomix:

Basic Qualifications
  • Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Business, or a related field.
  • 7+ years of experience in digital marketing strategy development and execution.
  • Proficiency in business model understanding, go-to-market models and concepts, budget planning and execution concepts.
  • Proficiency in digital marketing tools and platforms, including CRM software, SEO/SEM, social media management, and marketing automation technologies

Preferred Qualifications
  • Master’s degree or a certification in Business Administration/ Marketing or a related field.
  • Experience in the technology or digital marketing industry.
  • Established network of industry contacts.
  • Experience with international markets and hybrid work environments.
  • Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.

Job Description

The Job

We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Digital Marketing Strategist to lead our efforts in crafting and executing digital marketing strategies that drive client growth and engagement.
The ideal candidate will be a strategic thinker with a proven track record in digital marketing, coupled with a deep understanding of marketing and technology trends.
You will report directly to the COO and will be responsible for developing innovative marketing strategies, managing client relationships, and driving the success of our digital marketing initiatives.

How you’ll make an impact:

1.Develop and Execute Digital Marketing Strategies:
a. Lead the strategic planning and execution of multichannel marketing campaigns that align with our clients' business goals and digital transformation initiatives.
b. Implement innovative marketing strategies to drive client growth and maximize ROI through various digital channels.
2. Client Acquisition and Relationship Management:
a. Identify the main pain points of existing and potential clients, establish realistic objectives and KPIs, and proactively present solutions for reaching their goals.
b. Actively participate in the pitching process to secure new clients and projects.
c. Be capable of doing business analysis and fully grasp challenges of the customer business.
3. Drive Growth and ROI:
a. Leverage analytics tools to track campaign performance, identify trends, anticipate seasonality, and make data-driven decisions to optimize the effectiveness of marketing strategies.
b. Create detailed reports that evaluate the ROI of marketing campaigns and provide insights to stakeholders.
4. Market Research and Analysis:
a. Perform rigorous market research, competitive analysis, and customer insights gathering to inform strategy development.
b. Stay abreast of emerging technologies, digital marketing trends, and industry best practices to continuously innovate and improve our marketing offerings.
5. Performance Tracking and Reporting:
a. Establish key performance metrics and track progress against targets. Be familiar with OKRs and the process of managing them.
b. Develop and manage budgets for marketing campaigns, ensuring resources are allocated optimally for maximum impact.
c. Provide regular reports and insights to senior management.
6. Team Leadership and Collaboration:
a. Build, mentor, and lead a high-performing strategy team. Collaborate closely with other departments, to ensure alignment and synergy.
b. Provide mentorship and guidance to members of the strategy team, fostering a culture of learning and professional growth.
c. Work closely with the sales and product development teams to ensure marketing strategies are fully integrated with business development and product lifecycle management.
7. Partnerships Development:
a. Cultivate and maintain strategic partnerships with key technology companies across the tech stack we need to use in project delivery.

Company Description

Noi suntem Evonomix. Suntem o companie de marketing si tehnologie specializata in strategie, design de interactiuni, inginerie si comert digital. Lucram cu liderii de piata pentru a genera valoare prin aplicarea unei gandiri adaptabile si inovatoare, la scenarii ambitioase de afaceri. Inovatia sta la baza proceselor noastre pe masura ce combinam noile tehnologii cu un know-how trans-disciplinar pentru a descoperi cele mai bune solutii pentru clientii nostri. In fiecare zi construim solutii de eCommerce, integram infrastructuri corporative, proiectam interfete cu utilizatorii, producem continut multimedia, dominam motoarele de cautare si retelele sociale, cream si gestionam relatii cu influentatori de top, scriem continut persuasiv, inovam produse digitale si fizice care imbunatatesc viata de zi cu zi a oamenilor. Facem toate aceste lucruri in timp ce invatam si ne bucuram de aceste lucruri in fiecare zi. Asta este ceea ce facem, intr-o lume mereu activa care se misca din ce in ce mai rapid in fiecare zi. Suntem foarte mandri de echipa noastra si de portofoliul nostru. Ne imbunatatim in mod continuu echipa si cautam mereu provocari mai mari.

Misiunea noastra Generarea de schimbare eficienta si pozitiva, profitand de oportunitati create de retelele sociale, dispozitive mobile si cloud.

Viziunea noastra Suntem interesati sa rezolvam probleme critice in industrii importante prin infuzarea de inovatie si generarea de start-up-uri, cu resurse interne, intr-un mod sustenabil. Echipa si know-how-ul nostru constituie o platforma cu un risc mic si un cost eficient, care ne permite sa construim solutii inovatoare la probleme pe care clientii nostri nici nu le-au gasit inca.

Published Feb 4, 2025Updated Feb 4, 2025Expires Mar 6, 2025
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