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Data Analyst Train&Hire Program

Nexus Learning Laboratory S.R.L.
15 positions
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

- Have a passion for technology and can prove it with basic IT knowledge;
- Have strong analytical thinking;
- Know English at an advanced level (B2-C1);
- Proficiency in Romanian language (C1-C2);
- Is searching for a full-time job.

Job Description

Technology is growing at a fast pace and we, at NEXUS Learning Laboratory, are growing along with it! That’s why we invite you to join our educational SQL development program.

You will learn new technical skills, such as: database modeling, SQL programming, NoSQL architecture, cloud data solutions. These technologies are core skills not just for database developers, but also for data engineers, business intelligence developers and data scientists.

We invest in your professional future through a unique model: payment is made after hire. After successfully passing our interviews and completing the three months of training, we guarantee that you'll secure a job in the desired company and receive our full support throughout the hiring process. Furthermore, the three-month program will only be paid after we successfully assist you in finding the perfect job. So, get ready to build your career with us, without any financial worries until you achieve your professional dream!

The program will start on May 05th.

Company Description

NEXUS Learning Lab is the first IT train & hire community in Romania.
We empower people to reach their full potential by kick-starting their career in IT alongside successful entrepreneurs. We give our students the confidence and expertise they need to become the IT managers of the future. We recruit, train and guarantee a job. A minimum salary is also guaranteed.
We achieve all of this by providing premium education and coaching guided by experienced entrepreneurs.
Our community is also supporting our students after they get hired to ensure they successfully overcome all the challenges they will face.

If you want to find out more, you can visit our website:
Apply or contact us on:

Published Feb 25, 2025Updated Feb 25, 2025Expires Mar 27, 2025
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