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Customer Support Specialist with German: location Bucharest

5 positions
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Ideal Candidate

You know you're a good fit if you tick the following:Customer support experience is a plus.
Desire to ︎︅︆︉︉︌︂︌​︂︆︄︃​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎gain experience: It's okay if it's your first job; you'll learn alongside us.
Proficiency in German at an advanced level, encompassing written, spoken, and reading skills, equivalent to Level C1.
Highly developed sense of integrity and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Customer focus & passion for excellence with respect to treating and caring for customers.
Has a pleasant, patient, and friendly attitude.
Ability to communicate clearly, grammatically correctly, and professionally, both verbally and in writing.
Communication skills: You'll turn your talent into a career.
The need to be part of a top team: We're energetic, enthusiastic, and friendly.
The right attitude: You're not afraid of challenges; you face them with confidence and determination to find solutions.
Willingness to work from office (Bucharest)

Job Description

Job responsibilities
What role awaits you in the Valoris Center team?Customer care is reflected in every interaction: from placing ︁︀​︈︈​︈︈​︁︈︃an order to specialized consultancy, delivery, and product returns.

Here's what you should do:
Maintain a professionally customer-oriented attitude.
Take over and resolve situations where non-compliances occur.
Assist the customer in the purchasing decision by providing requested details about products and services.
Provide solutions for various issues: order placement, delivery, and returns.
The activity will be developed on all communication channels, including chat and call, ensuring a comprehensive and seamless customer experience.

What do we offer you?
Flexible schedule of 9 hours per day (1 hour lunch break), Monday to Sunday, working 5 out of 7 days, with shifts between 10:00 and 22:00.
The salary package includes a base salary, performance bonuses, and meal vouchers.
Paid startup training and professional development sessions.
Medical subscription.
Access to Bookster library for borrowing books.
Access to 7card.
A dynamic and diverse job in a pleasant and modern environment.
Opportunities for personal and professional development.
Motivational contests and team-building activities.
Real possibilities to promote within the company.

Company Description

Salutare si bine ai venit la Valoris! Daca ar fi sa ne descriem in trei cuvinte, am spune asa: deschisi, ambitiosi, profesionisti.


Companie cu capital 100% romanesc, Valoris activeaza pe piata locala si internationala a serviciilor de outsourcing de 17 ani. Cu peste 550 de profestionisti si doua sedii operationale in Bucuresti si Ramnicu Valcea, am adunat la Valoris sute de povesti de succes. Ne mandrim cu o echipa unita care este pregatita sa te intampine cu bratele deschise.

Experienta Valoris

Punem accent pe dezvoltare, de aceea inca din primele saptamani iti vom cere feedback legat de activitatea ta la Valoris. Managerii si colegii iti vor oferi mereu suportul de care ai nevoie si vei avea satisfactia ca ai contribuit la rezultatele echipei.

Iti oferim traininguri de specializare si posibilitati de promovare, astfel incat sa ai mereu motive sa iti doresti mai mult. Nu trebuie sa iti faci griji daca esti la inceput de cariera, aici este locul in care vei invata cum sa iti pui in evidenta abilitatile si vei dobandi altele noi. Vei invata zilnic ceva nou, vei participa la concursuri si competitii interne si vei evolua.

Vino in echipa Valoris!

Published Feb 7, 2025Updated Feb 12, 2025Expires Mar 9, 2025
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