Ideal Candidate
Educatie: Minim studii medii
Planificare si organizare
Orientarea catre client
Atentie la detaliu
Spirit de lucru in echipa
Flexibilitate si adaptare
Job Description
Asigura vanzarea si livrarea produselor finite pentru indeplinirea obiectivelor comerciale ale companiei.
Principalele îndatoriri şi responsabilităţi:
Gestioneaza comenzile de la clienti IKA, precum si introducerea lor in sistem :
Urmareste zilnic situatia facturilor emise in scopul respectarii termenelor de plata a marfurilor livrate;
Raspunde de aplicarea corecta a reducerilor (discount-uri) conform ofertei comerciale in ceea ce priveste sortimentul, pretul si conditiile de livrare in vederea informarii corecte a clientului;
Furnizeaza informatii potentialilor clienti privind termenul de livrare pentru produsul solicitat cu scopul de a extinde piata de desfacere a companiei;
Arhiveaza si gestioneaza documentatia (comenzi livrate, inchiderile de luna si stocurile) pentru o imagine clara a activitatii desfasurate;
Primeste si centralizeaza comenzile de produse de la clienti pentru lansarea lor in productie sau eliberarea din depozitul aferent;
Primeste comenzile de eliberare de marfa prin compensare de la client, valideaza datele comenzii cu biroul financiar-contabil sau aprovizionare (dupa caz) si raspunde de livrarea marfii compensate la valorea inscrisa in comanda;tantica
Furnizeaza informatii clientilor care au emis comenzi privind modul si timpul de ridicare a produselor solicitate de catre acestia pentru bunul mers al activitatii de livrare;
Company Description
The Sofidel Group is one of the leading manufacturers of paper for hygienic and domestic use worldwide. Established in 1966, the Group has subsidiaries in 12 countries – Italy, Spain, the UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Romania and the USA – with more than 6,000 employees, net sales of 2,173 million Euros (2020) and a production capacity of over one million tonnes per year (1,428,000 tonnes in 2020). “Regina”, its most well-known brand, is present on almost all the reference markets. Other brands include: Softis, Le Trèfle, Sopalin, Thirst Pockets, KittenSoft, Nalys, Cosynel, Lycke, Nicky, Papernet. A member of the UN Global Compact and the international WWF Climate Savers programme, the Sofidel Group considers sustainability a strategic factor with regards to growth and is committed to reducing its impact on natural capital and maximising social benefits, setting as objective the creation of shared added value for all stakeholders. Sofidel’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets to 2030 have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as consistent with reductions required to keep warming to well-below 2°C, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Sofidel Romania produces tissue paper reels and manufactures finished products for the Consumer market. The plant – located in Călăraşi, in a strategic position between Bucharest and Constanta (near the Bulgarian border) for serving Southeastern European countries – was acquired by Sofidel in March 2010.