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Credit Controller Manager

1 position
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Ideal Candidate

- Absolvent studii superioare
- Abilitati dе negociere;
- Putere dе convingere;
- Un nivel avansat de lb engleza;
- Abilitati excelente dе comunicare si de relationare;
- Capacitate de observatie si analiza comportamentala;
- Atentie la detalii;
- Abilitati dе organizare si prioritizare a activitatilor si a timpului dе lucru;
- Orientare catre rezultate;
- Experienta in activitatea dе colectare debite (min. 3 ani);
- Bune abilitati dе lucru cu calculatorul: Word, Excel, Outlook, SAP-ERP;
- Atitudine pozitiva, incredere in sine si integritate.

Job Description

- Organizeaza, coordoneaza si supervizeaza activitatea echipei de credit controlleri;
- Recupereaza sume restante, conform termenelor si procedurilor interne de lucru;
- Negociaza termene ferme de plata si gestioneaza obiectiile invocate de debitori;
- Monitorizeaza promisiunile de plata, datele scadente si sumele de plata agreate;
- Informeaza debitorii in legatura cu metodele de plata si propune variante/ identifica solutii de achitare a restantelor;
- Solutioneaza situatii speciale ale debitorilor, conform ariei de competenta, intr-o maniera politicoasa si profesionala;
- Colaboreaza cu departamentele de contabilitate, vanzari si operational;
- Revizuieste si monitorizeaza, periodic, limitele de credit;
- Urmareste incadrarea vanzarilor in plafoanele de credit aprobat;
- Inregistreaza in aplicatiile interne istoricul interactiunii cu debitorii, pentru rezolvarea optima a cazurilor;
- Lucreaza in echipa in vederea atingerii obiectivelor companiei;
- Utilizeaza tehnici de ascultare activa si feed-back;
- Monitorizează ︁performanta procesului de colectarea a creantelor companiei;
- Auditează procesele existente si propune îmbunătățiri pe aria de expertiza;
- Implementează controalele necesare pentru a asigura conformitatea cu reglementarile de grup si cu reglementarile locale in ceea ce privește activitatile de colectare a creantelor companiei si de credit management;
- Raportează periodic către Grup situatia creantelor si a limitelor de credit;
- Mentine relatia cu asiguratorul de creante, intocmeste si preda catre acesta raportele solicitate;
- Recomanda modificări ale politicilor sau procedurilor care sa îmbunătățească performanta activitatii de colectare si credit management;
- Oferă suport si explicații in cazul auditurilor interne si a auditului statutar;
- Întocmește rapoarte către management si către alte departamente, (predefinite si ad-hoc) de închidere de luna/trimestru/semestru/an si la cerere dupa caz;
- Executa orice alte dispozitii date de superiorul ierarhic in realizarea strategiilor pe termen scurt ale companiei in limitele respectarii legislatiei in vigoare;
- Intocmirea in mod corect, complet si predarea la timp a situatiilor si raportarilor specifice activitatii de colectare si credit management catre Directorul financiar si catre Grup.

Company Description

DSV – Global Transport and Logistics

In 1976, in the small town of Skuldelev in Denmark, ten owner-operated hauliers joined forces and founded DSV – De Sammensluttede Vognmænd (The United Hauliers). Since then, DSV has evolved to become a world-leading supplier of transport and logistics. Today, DSV provides and manages supply chain solutions for thousands of companies every day – from the small family run business to the large global corporation. More than 75,000 employees in over 90 countries work passionately to deliver great customer experiences and high-quality services – and help ensure a steady supply of goods to production lines, outlets, stores and consumers all over the world.

Our three divisions provide one-stop shopping DSV is organised into three divisions offering the complete range of services to support our customers’ entire supply chain:

Air & Sea – transportation by air and sea Road – transportation by road Solutions – warehousing and logistics services

As a freight forwarder, DSV does not own or operate transport equipment; actual transportation of goods is carried out via our global network of partners and subcontractors (carriers and hauliers).

1,500+ offices, terminals and warehouses across the world enable us to be close to our local markets while taking advantage of a global perspective and network to secure the best possible service at highly competitive rates. Whatever you need, whenever and where ever you need it, we move it.

From local haulier to global freight forwarder Initially, DSV offered haulier services only and focused activities within the construction industry. From the mid-1980s onwards, however, the business was quickly expanded to include other transport and logistics activities domestically as well as internationally. From 2000 onwards, with the acquisitions of the DFDS Dan Transport Group, Frans Maas, ABX and UTi Worldwide, DSV emerged as a global freight forwarder.

In 2019, DSV joined forces with Panalpina, another global provider of transport and logistics services. Latest DSV acquired Agility’s Global Integrated Logistics business (GIL) and became one of the three largest transport and logistics companies globally. GIL was acquired in August 2021. ​​​​​​​

From the beginning, the story of DSV has been a story of entrepreneurs with great business acumen and the courage to embark on a journey of continued growth. The DSV values remain deeply embedded throughout our global organisation.

DSV Solutions SRL � Head Office

Bucharest West Logistics Center 287/1 DE Street 077096 Ilfov Tel.: +(40) 021 431 31 00/ 528 62 00 Fax: +(40) 021 431 31 03/ 528 62 03

Published Jan 28, 2025Updated Jan 28, 2025Expires Feb 27, 2025
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