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Coordonator Transport

1 position
Job verified

Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

  • Studii superioare - preferabil in domeniul logisticii transporturilor sau economic.
  • Minimum 3 ani experienta intr-un rol similar.
  • Cunostinte tehnice SAP sau alte sisteme ERP (Transporeon).
  • Intelegerea legislatiei transporturilor si procedurilor logistice.
  • Abilitati de comunicare si negociere, organizare si planificare, orientare spre optimizare si reducerea costurilor.
  • Limba Engleza – minim nivel intermediar.
  • Permis de conducere categoria B si disponibilitate pentru deplasari.

Job Description

  • Coordoneaza si asigura o buna gestiune a transporturilor interne si internationale, conform procedurilor Grupului.
  • Respecta standardele si procedurile interne in ceea ce priveste selectia furnizorilor de transport.
  • Realizeaza in SAP/Transporeon documentele necesare asigurarii fluxului operational.
  • Asigura planificarea comenziilor de transport via SAP/Transporeon.
  • Actualizeaza baza de date SAP in ceea ce priveste furnizorii aprobati de servicii si materiale.
  • Asigura rezolvarea reclamatiilor de transport referitoare la distributia produselor finite.
  • Intocmeste si prezinta rapoarte lunare si/sau trimestriale solicitate de catre Management.
  • Supervizeaza realizarea contractelor de servicii de transport.

Company Description

CANPACK Group has been operating in the metal packaging market for over 25 years. During this period, the company has become a leading manufacturer in the beverage packaging industry in Central and Eastern Europe, constantly strengthening its market position in Western Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. CANPACK Group operates 25 plants and presently employs over 6,500 people worldwide with its annual sales that exceed $ 1.7 billion.

CANPACK considers the people - our dedicated, experienced and highly skilled employees - as the greatest asset to the company. This is why we strive to recognize the needs of our employees to ensure that they are happy not only in their role but especially in their work environment. We are determined to offer our employees the best opportunities to develop and progress especially by participation in international projects. We make every effort so that our employees feel part of our organization and its success.

Published Dec 20, 2024Updated Dec 27, 2024Expires Jan 19, 2025
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