Ideal Candidate
✔ Abilități excelente de comunicare, negociere și leadership
✔ Perseverență, energie pozitivă și focus pe rezultate
✔ Dorința de a face lucrurile să se întâmple
Job Description
📍 Poziția este 100% onsite – Cluj-Napoca
💰 Salariu competitiv plus bonusuri consistente
Ce vei face?
✅ Coordonarea echipei de telesales (10 persoane) – full onsite
✅ Implementarea strategiilor pentru trierea eficientă a leadurilor
✅ Întâlniri online one-on-one cu clienții
✅ Monitorizarea KPI-urilor și optimizarea performanței echipei
✅ Organizarea de întâlniri săptămânale pentru feedback și dezvoltare
Company Description
VPL Healthcare is a leading recruitment agency dedicated exclusively to the medical and pharmaceutical fields. VPL Healthcare evolves in numerous countries from the European Community and from the Middle East. VPL Healthcare provides the entire spectrum of professionals from the medical and pharmaceutical fields: executive managers, top and middle managers, doctors, pharmacists, dentists, nurses, specialists in biomedical research. Our company addresses itself both to companies from the public domain: hospitals, clinics, Insurance houses, as well as to those from the private domain: private hospitals and clinics, individual medical offices, pharmaceutical companies (medicine producers and distributors, individual pharmacies and chains, biomedical research companies). We serve the needs of our partners through some dedicated business lines: Executive Search, Permanent Staff and Temporary Staff.