Ideal Candidate
Experienta de minim 5 ani de lucru in domeniul financiar – contabil;
Cunostinte relevante de fiscalitate;
Cunostinte de limba germana constituie avantaj;
Cunostinte avansate MS Office;
Cunostinte SAP constituie avantaj.
Activitatea se desfasoara de la sediul Gühring Sibiu.
Job Description
Inregistreaza operatiunile contabile;
Intocmeste declaratiile fiscale lunare si anuale;
Intocmeste balanta lunara;
Completeaza registrele contabile ale companiei;
Participa activ la activitatile de audit;
Organizeaza si participa la activitatile de inventarierea patrimoniului.
Salariu motivant în funcție de experienta in domeniu;
Tichete de masă – 40 lei/zi lucrata;
Ore suplimentare platite dublu;
Prima de Craciun;
Prima de Paste;
Prima de acomodare oferită noului angajat - 2.000 lei net. Prima se plătește o singură data, după finalizarea cu succes a primelor 6 luni de contract;
Prima de recomandare – 2.000 lei net pentru fiecare angajat recomandat. Prima se plateste dupa primele 6 luni;
Prima de recompensare idei imbunatatire;
Asigurare privata de sanatate;
Pensie privata;
Decontarea abonamentului pe mijloace de transport in comun;
Zile de concediu suplimentar in functie de vechimea in companie, pana la maxim 25 de zile/an.
Mediu de lucru modern.
Dacă ești pregătit să contribui la succesul unei companii de top în prelucrări mecanice și scule așchietoare, trimite CV-ul tău la adresa
Te așteptăm să te alături echipei noastre de profesioniști!
Company Description
Gühring Company, headquartered in Albstadt-Ebingen, Germany, is a globally recognized leader in the development, manufacture, and distribution of precision rotary tools for metalworking. The company, characterized by international, innovative, and owner-managed operations, employs more than 8,000 people worldwide, including more than 3,500 in Germany. Operating more than 70 production facilities in 49 countries, Gühring has established itself as a leading entity in the precision tooling industry. Upholding the principles of high quality and efficient productivity, Gühring has diligently manufactured state-of-the-art tools for over 120 years, consolidating its position as one of the leading manufacturers in the industry.
Gühring Romania, a subsidiary of the Gühring Group, started its activities in 2003, with its headquarters in Sibiu. Since then, the company has expanded its footprint by opening a technology center in Cluj in 2020, reflecting its commitment to growth and innovation in Romania. Today, Gühring Romania boasts a workforce of over 360 highly skilled professionals. The Sibiu facility focuses primarily on production and sales, while the Cluj Technology Center is dedicated to advancing research and development in cutting tool engineering, facilitating the integration of advanced solutions, and providing comprehensive technical support services to the Gühring group and its customers.