Ideal Candidate
- Absolvent de studii superioare finalizare in domeniul financiar-contabil;
- Experienta de 3-5 ani in contabilitate;
- Cunoasterea Pachetului Microsoft Office si a unui sistem ERP ;
- Persoana organizata, atenta la detalii, proactiva si cu capacitate de analiza si sinteza.
Job Description
- Intocmirea si verificarea documentelor contabile: gestionarea documentelor de achizitie si vanzare, facturi, ordine de plata, avize si alte acte justificative ;
- Intocmirea declaratiilor fiscale ;
- Gestionarea fluxurilor de numerar: monitorizarea incasarilor si platilor pentru a asigura fluxuri financiare sanatoase si controlul costurilor;
- Suport in audit: colaborarea cu auditorii interni si externi pentru a asigura o gestionare corecta si transparenta a datelor financiare;
- Consultanta pentru management: oferirea de suport financiar si fiscal pentru echipa de management in procesul decizional ;
- Mentinerea unei stranse legaturi cu firma de contablitate a companiei ;
- Optimizarea proceselor: identificarea si implementarea de solutii pentru imbunatatirea procedurilor contabile si reducerea riscurilor financiare.
- Salariu motivant;
- Tichete de masa de 40 de lei/zi lucrata;
- Abonament medical la Regina Maria;
- Prime de sarbatori;
- Bonus de performanta;
- Transport asigurat sau decontat;
- Contract pe perioada nedeterminata.
Company Description
IHM Total Consult is, beginning with June 2019, part of SGB Humangest Holding, an Italian group of companies offering specialized consulting services in the field of human resources selection, training and management.
With over 14 years of hands-on HR experience, SGB Humangest Holding provides integrated HR solutions for over 1200 corporate clients through 42 Italian agencies and 4 branches in Romania. Currently, over 7500 employees are hired by SGB Humangest on temporary assignments.
IHM Total Consult was founded in 2004 and is now ranked among the top 5 HR players on the Romanian market, considering turnover.
We believe that our mission is built on a two-way direction. So, we focus on providing services based on business expertise and building a strong relationship with our candidates, contributing to their career development by always considering their personal interest when assessing their suitability for any given position.
Our consultants are specialized in HR and Admin, Call Centers/BPO/SSC, Banking and Financial Services, IT&C Software & Hardware, Engineering, Production, Retail / FMCG, Constructions, Medical / Pharma and Automotive.
For any further details and even more jobs you can visit us on All resumes and data are considered confidential and will be evaluated only for projects matching your professional experience.