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Consumer Engagement Territory Manager (based in Craiova)

Philip Morris Romania SRL
1 position
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Ideal Candidate

Skills and Competencies:


College/University degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or related fields.

Professional Experience:

General experience: 4-5 years in FMCG sales, with at least one year in distribution and a minimum of 2 years in team management.
Specific experience: Proficiency in MS Office, fluent in English, valid driver's license, and a minimum of 1 year of relevant experience.

Job Description

Job Title: Consumer Engagement Territory Manager

Location: [Craiova]

Company: Philip Morris Trading S.R.L.

Reports to: Manager National Consumer Engagement

Job Summary: As a Consumer Engagement Territory Manager, you will play a crucial role in building a consumer engagement infrastructure for existing and new IQOS users, alongside the Manager National Consumer Engagement. Your efforts will also focus on increasing brand awareness and equity of SFP products.

Key Responsibilities:

Strategic Planning:

Develop and continuously update the strategic plan on consumer engagement in retail for the allocated territory, focusing on both short and long-term goals to acquire and retain consumers through a consumer-centric, omnichannel, and multicategory approach.

Consumer Journey Mapping:

Map and continuously refine the consumer journey to deliver seamless experiences in line with strategy and cycle planning.
Identify the right audiences, prioritize, target, and deploy acquisition/retention plans to engage consumers at the right time, in the most relevant channel, and at the right POS within the allocated territory.
Ensure the right infrastructure in terms of geography, number of B2C force, and support to maximize impact and deliver KPIs with the best ROI.

Activation Strategy:

Regularly review and redesign the consumer activation strategy with relevant cross-functional teams, including activation content and mechanics.
Ensure the consumer engagement plan is effectively deployed across relevant channels and touchpoints in the allocated territory, achieving acquisition, retention, engagement, and promotion KPIs.

Team Management:

Build, manage, motivate, and empower the team through appropriate coaching and engagement, providing comprehensive feedback to each team member.
Establish and monitor performance indicators for services provided in the allocated areas.

Personal Development:

Lead and motivate the territorial team, developing skills and competencies necessary to implement all commercial activities in line with the territory's commercial strategy and business objectives.
Ensure the training and team development plan is prepared and implemented, contributing to team efficiency and work environment.
Encourage initiative to maximize potential at work, enhancing overall performance, team spirit, and motivation.

Supplier Management:

Develop and maintain excellent relationships with supplier representatives to ensure their commitment to PMI's business strategy, policies, and procedures, meeting and exceeding sales and distribution objectives in the territory.

Budget and Resource Management:

Prepare and propose operational plans and budgets for the allocated territory, monitor implementation to ensure appropriate use of funds while meeting objectives.
Implement, monitor, and control merchant incentive programs, consumer engagement department budget, labor cost, travel, and entertainment budget.

Consumer Involvement:

Plan and develop a Consumer Engagement Plan for the allocated territory/region based on the commercial cycle plan.
Develop innovative consumer engagement plans based on channels, resources needed, and schedule of activities.
Organize and supervise consumer engagement activities to achieve KPI objectives in terms of BAM, consumer engagement contracts, quality of contracts, territorial and channel coverage, seasonality, and local events.


Follow PM policies and procedures, ensuring compliance throughout the organization.
Maintain awareness and ensure compliance with safety and security procedures within the team.
Ensure the company's equipment and assets are maintained in good condition and comply with all Environmental, Health, and Safety policies and procedures.
Advocate for and ensure safety and compliance, reporting all accidents and occurrences.
Ensure the territory follows business conduct policies and conducts activities in accordance with PMI's Marketing Code.
Provide commercial advice on the principles and objectives of the Youth Smoking Prevention Program.

Health and Safety:

Fulfill responsibilities in the field of Health and Safety at Work corresponding to the position.
Ensure full compliance with relevant legislation and Philip Morris procedures, meeting annual targets set as part of the annual performance review process.

Company Description

Philip Morris România este afiliat al Philip Morris International (PMI), o companie care transformă industria tutunului pentru a construi un viitor fără fum – ne-am propus să înlocuim țigările cu produse cu risc redus în beneficiul fumătorilor adulți care, altfel, ar continua să fumeze.

Vrem să avem alături de noi oameni talentați, diverși, dornici să se dezvolte și să contribuie la transformarea companiei. Prioritatea companiei este crearea unor condiții de lucru care să permită atragerea, sprijinirea și păstrarea în companie a unor oameni cu talente diverse, indiferent de vârstă, sex, religie sau capabilități, dar și crearea unui echilibru între muncă și timpul liber.

Fii parte din cea mai mare transformare din istoria companiei și industriei!

#MakeHistory, brandul de angajator, își propune să reflecte transformarea companiei și a fost construit în jurul a patru teme care au la bază angajamentul pe care ni l-am asumat de a schimba industria tutunului: „o schimbare revoluționară” – suntem uniți și avem un scop clar, acela de a îmbunătății viețile fumătorilor din întreaga lume, „construim viitorul” – avem libertatea de a crea lucruri extraordinare, „mai puternici împreună” – schimbările mari au nevoie de relații solide și de un loc în care să simți că aparții și „experiențe nelimitate” – întotdeauna progresăm, întotdeauna învățăm, întotdeauna facem diferența.

În 2020, Philip Morris International a obținut certificarea Equal-Salary la nivel internațional pentru al doilea an consecutiv. În 2021, Philip Morris România a fost certificate ca Top Employer / Angajator de Top pentru al șaptelea an consecutiv, ceea ce demonstrează că dorim să dezvoltăm un mediu de lucru bazat pe egalitate, incluziune și diversitate, ingrediente esențiale în transformarea business-ului nostru. Organizațiile care primesc distincția Top Employer sunt recunoscute pentru eforturile continue de a oferi cel mai bun mediu de lucru angajaților și pentru practicile progresiste în domeniul resurselor umane.

În orice punct al carierei tale te-ai afla, noi suntem convinși că poți învăța mai mult și poți ajunge mai departe alături de noi. Încurajăm oamenii care au inițiativă și îi răsplătim la fiecare pas. Te invităm să ne accepți provocarea și să ne cunoști!

Published Feb 19, 2025Updated Feb 20, 2025Expires Mar 21, 2025
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