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Consultant Vanzari

SC Carpeta Ro Grup SRL
4 positions
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

  • Esti o persoana responsabila, perseverenta, dinamica si deschisa la nou?
  • Comunici si relationezi usor cu oamenii, atunci te incadrezi perfect in profilul candidatului nostru.
  • Experienta in vanzari constituie un avantaj.

Job Description

Ce trebuie sa faci :
  • Sa promovezi si sa vinzi produsele companiei(covoare) in cadrul magazinelor Carpeta;
  • Sa oferi solutii potrivite fiecarui client, prin identificarea nevoilor;
  • Sa mentii un magazin atractiv (aranjare, aprovizionare marfa, etc);
  • Sa intocmesti documentele specifice activitatii de comert;
  • Mediu de lucru profesional, in cadrul unei companii dinamice, lider de piata ;
  • Pachet salarial negociabil la interviu, cu cresteri in etape;
  • Bonus din Vanzari;
Alte beneficii:
  • Decontare transport si tichete de masa;
  • Ziua de nastere o poti sarbatori in familie, pentru ca iti dam o zi libera platita;
Daca te regasesti in descrierea anuntului si doresti sa afli mai multe informatii , poti trimite Cv-ul tau cu specificatia orasului in care doresti sa lucrezi, la adresa de e-mail:

Company Description

Since 2007, Carpeta RO has been a premier provider of high-quality natural wool carpets in Romania. With stores in 10 cities across the country, we pride ourselves on offering luxurious carpets woven from the finest New Zealand wool. Additionally, we support local artisans by featuring a collection crafted from local Romanian wool. Our production facility, Moldabela, is situated in Ungheni, Republic of Moldova. Here, we blend centuries-old weaving traditions with modern technology to create exquisite carpets. Since 1980, Moldabela has upheld these traditions, passed down through generations, believing that a home becomes cozier with a soft, finely woven carpet. We know our limits and consistently surpass them. The strength and success of Carpeta RO lie in our dedicated team, who share our values and commit to the company's success. Together, we foster both personal and professional growth, continuously striving for excellence. In addition to our 10 stores across Romania, we are present on several national and international marketplaces, including, (as well as Amazon UK, Spain, Germany, Italy and France), Vivre, etc.

Our goal is to promote the tradition of authentic carpets worldwide, bringing the warmth and beauty of our products to homes around the world.

Published Dec 23, 2024Updated Dec 23, 2024Expires Jan 22, 2025
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