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Consilier vanzari Penti - Coresi Brasov

SC Penti World SRL
3 positions
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

Abilitati excelente de comunicare si o atitudine orientata spre client;
Atitudine pozitiva, dorinta de a invata lucruri noi, insistent, proactiv;
Abilitatea de a face mai multe activitati in acelasi timp.
Disponibilitate de relocare magazin pentru anumite perioade de timp.

Job Description

- Asigura vanzarea serviciilor oferite de catre companie;
- Cunoaste si ofera informatii despre caracteristicile pachetelor de servicii oferite;
- Identifica nevoile clientilor si ofera consultanta;
- Raspunde clientilor intr-o maniera prompta si politicoasa.

​Bonusuri si beneficii:
-Bonusuri lunare in functie de rezultatele individuale;
-Zile de weekend lucrate platite;
-Tichete de masa;
-Training pe produse, tehnici vanzare si abilitati de comunicare si lucru in echipa.

Company Description

Penti Çorap Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. founded at 1950 in İstanbul. Penti is the leading hoisery brand in Turkey with more than 40% market share. - Annual 80.000.000 pairs pruduction - Fully integrated production starting from yarn and ending up at the retail store. Products: - Hosiery - Homewear - Lengerie - Beachwear Stores: - 280 stores at the most prestigious shopping malls and streets. - In line with the consumer's expectations every week renewed product portofolio'- Average surface 80m2. - Beyond Turkey, 104 stores in 25 countries. Brand Attributes: Socially responsible versatile innovative young and dynamic trendsetter reliable leader brand.

Published Jan 28, 2025Updated Jan 28, 2025Expires Feb 27, 2025
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