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Commercial & SME Relationship Manager - Timisoara

1 position
Job - pending verification

Ideal Candidate

Candidatul Ideal:

Studii superioare economice sau tehnice;︈︈︁︍︊︉︁︂​︂︆︄︃​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎
Minim 2 ani experienta in creditare persoane juridice;
Bune cunostinte dе analiza financiara sau ︈︈︁︍︊︉︁︂​︂︆︄︃​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎dе credit;
Persoana sociabila, prietenoasa, deshisa la munca in echipa;
Persoana rezistenta la activitate in conditii dе stres, competitiva;
Excelente abilitati dе comunicare si relationare;
Seriozitate si corectitudine;
Limba engleza - nivel avansat.

Job Description

Descrierea jobului:

Promovеаza activ si vinde serviciilе bаncii cаtre clientii din segmеntul IMM (companii cu cifrа de аfаceri dе pаnа lа 10 mil. EUR si clienti apartinand profesiunilor liberаlе), idеntificаnd nevoile acestora;
Dezvolta si gestioneaza portofoliul de clienti si volumul de afaceri din segmentul IMM-uri, urmarind atingerea obiectivelor de buget;
Analizeaza, negociaza si structureaza pachetele de creditare in conformitate cu politica bancii;
Comunica in mod activ cu clientii din portofoliu, oferindu-le consiliere financiara in dezvoltarea afacerii lor.

Company Description

Garanti Bank is part of the financial-banking group Garanti Romania, which brings together Garanti Leasing (the brand under which the company Motoractive IFN SA operates) and Garanti Consumer Finance (the brand under which Ralfi IFN operates).

Garanti Bank is held by Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS (TGB), Turkey’s second largest private bank. TGB is a universal bank with leading presence in all business lines. The bank serves more than 14 million customers in corporate, commercial, SME, and consumer segments offering fully integrated financial services. The Spanish financial group Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) is the majority shareholder of TGB. Garanti Bank Romania offers a series of quality products and services for all business segments: retail, SME and corporate.

Present in Romania since 1998, the bank has developed a solid portfolio of clients and expanded its national presence through branches and alternative channels, reaching an extended network of 84 branches and over 300 intelligent ATMs that can be used by anyone, not just bank customers, for transactions with or without cards. Garanti Bank was awarded in 2016 by world-renowned magazine Global Finance, as “Best Consumer Digital Bank in Romania”.

The distinctions were granted within the “2016 World's Best Consumer Digital Banks in Central and Eastern Europe Competition”.

For more information, please visit

Published Mar 4, 2025Updated Mar 4, 2025Expires Apr 3, 2025
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