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Civil Engineer / Inginer santier (Urlati, Prahova)

1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

Experienta relevanta anterioara.

Job Description

-Pregateste si lanseaza comenzile de materiale. Urmareste ca aprovizionarea cu materiale comandate sa se faca la timp si verifica existenta documentelor de calitate;
- Urmareste incadarea in buget si cauta in mod activ solutii pentru materialele solicitate in proiect, precum si aprobarea lor cu beneficiarul. Colaboreaza cu manageruld de proiect pentru a verifica incadrarea in bugetul lucrarii a preturilor de materiale, manopera si utilaje;
- Intocmeste situatii de lucrari lunare catre Client (implicit lucrari aditionale / variatii); verifica situatii lucrari subantreprenori;
- Participa la detalierea anexelor tehnice ale contractelor semnate si asigura suport tehnic la desemnarea subcontractantilor de specialitate;
- Verifica planurile de executie si propune solutii constructive. Propune detalii de executie pentru lucrarile de montaj, precum si stereotomii, panotaje;
- Coordoneaza documentele din proiectul de executie si din autorizatia de constructie: scenariu securitate, planuri, caiete de sarcina;
- Studiaza detaliile de proiectare si documentatia tehnica necesara pentru lucrarile de constructie;
- Urmareste executia lucrarilor pe santier din punctul de vedere al calitatii, cantitatii si respectarii termenelor de executie;
- Executare grafic lucrari; se asigura ca sunt respectate graficele de executie;
- Isi insuseste si urmareste aplicarea legislatiei, procedurilor si instructiunilor tehnice.

Company Description

About us

Synergy is a diversified contractor with the ability to meet the needs of our clients in a variety of project types, including new construction and renovation of hotels, retail centres, office buildings, educational facilities, sport facilities, infrastructure, residential buildings and industrial plants. Synergy is capable of establishing Consortium or Joint Venture for infrastructure projects all around the neighbouring and overseas markets by using the international and professional experience of the managing partners and staff and the financial strength of the company. The company was founded in 2001 in Romania and has expanded over the years to international markets. Synergy Construct has now offices and ongoing projects in Romania, Turkey, Poland, Georgia and Germany.


hotels, retail centers, office buildings, educational facilities, infrastructure, residential buildings, industrial plants

Published Feb 4, 2025Updated Mar 4, 2025Expires Mar 6, 2025
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