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Business Developer

1 position
Job - pending verification

Ideal Candidate

  • Bachelor’s degree /Master level studies – technical field.
  • Ability to understand, lead and evaluate technical projects in the relevant omains
  • Project management relevant experience and proven skills
  • Comprehensive understanding and experience in operational techniques and principles obtained through formal training and professional development.
  • Good understanding of organizational issues - including structure, culture, relevant policies, and procedures - to perform efficiently at an organizational level.
  • Solid knowledge and understanding of health and safety behaviors and controls, financial systems, and processes - including profit and loss accounts
  • Excellent analytical skills and the ability to assess and interpret key market trends and patterns, identifying business opportunities from diverse sources of information.
  • Evidence of influential relationships with a network of key individuals, industry contacts, and influential figures.
  • Commercial awareness
  • Tenacity and drive to seek new business and meet or exceed targets
  • Interpersonal and networking skills for building and developing relationships with customers/prospects
  • A creative approach to work and seeking out new opportunities
  • Written and verbal communication skills - needed for communicating with a range of people, both internally and externally, as well as presentation skills

Job Description

  • Represents the full portfolio of products in the designated Segment and Channel, with an extensive understanding of the segment/channel value chain and market environment - market players, market opportunities, and industry trends;
  • Represents the company in relations with associations and representatives from the relevant industry.
  • Selects and manages existing relationships with external partners to ensure that the organization meets the standards and requirements of the industry.
  • Looks for new markets where the company can expand its solutions business or better sell its portfolio of products and solutions. Market research includes the PEST(LE) analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors), and competitive analysis.
  • Creates a profile of the best potential clients to contact and action plans to implement the products into the market (including product certification, existing standards, etc.)
  • Generates leads for the current product portfolio, passing them to the sales team, and proposals for development of new solutions and products based on the needs of the customers and future development trends in the market.

Company Description

La TehnoWorld ne mândrim să fim o fabrică de prim rang, specializată în producția de țevi de polietilenă de înaltă densitate (HDPE), polipropilenă (PP) și PVC-U în România. Călătoria noastră a început în 2003, condusă de o echipă dedicată de ingineri și vizionari care au pus bazele unui proiect construit pe principiile organizării, muncii dedicate și disciplinei.

Astăzi, aceste principii formează baza culturii noastre organizaționale. Echipa noastră, mai mult decât doar colegii, funcționează ca o familie unită. Împreună, suntem uniți în angajamentul nostru de a stimula creșterea companiei, propulsând-o în prim-plan ca una dintre cele mai moderne și eficiente unități de producție de țevi din Europa.

Începând cu luna august 2024, TehnoWorld face parte din grupul CRH, alături de Romcim, Elpreco, Ferrobeton România, Bauelemente și Sapphire Energy.

Suntem acum mai bine pregătiți pentru a răspunde nevoilor partenerilor noștri, cu o abordare mai eficientă și ofertă de produse și servicii de cea mai înaltă calitate pentru a face față împreună tuturor provocărilor și a valorifica oportunitățile.

Published Mar 4, 2025Updated Mar 4, 2025Expires Apr 3, 2025
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