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B2B Sales Representative

Quantic Lab SRL
1 position
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Ideal Candidate

  • Proven work experience as a Sales Representative, preferably in B2B.
  • Excellent knowledge of MS Office.
  • Familiarity with practices along with ability to build productive business professional relationships.
  • Highly motivated and target driven with a proven track record in sales.
  • Excellent selling, negotiation and communication skills.
  • Prioritizing, time management and organizational skills.
  • Ability to create and deliver presentations tailored to the audience needs.
  • Relationship management skills and openness to feedback.
  • Excellent English command both orally and in written.
  • Comfortable to travel abroad.
What makes a difference:
  • Previous experience within video games industry.
  • Passion and knowledge about video games industry.

Job Description

  • Present, promote and sell services using solid arguments to existing and prospective customers.
  • Perform cost benefit and needs analysis of potential customers to meet their needs.
  • Establish, develop and maintain positive business and customer relationships.
  • Reach out to customer leads through cold calling.
  • Expedite the resolution of customer problems and complaints to maximize satisfaction.
  • Achieve agreed upon sales targets and outcomes within schedule.
  • Coordinate sales effort with team members and other departments.
  • Analyze the territory/market’s potential, track sales and status reports.
  • Supply management with reports on customer needs, problems, interests, competitive activities, and potential for new products and services.
  • Continuously improve through feedback.

Company Description

Established in 2006, Quantic Lab is an outsourcing company specialized in all-platform high quality testing solutions. With over a decade of experience, Quantic Lab is one of the leading European outsourcing companies, contributing to the release of thousands of projects worldwide (websites, games, edutainment software, business application and more). We are known as a trustworthy QA Business partner and maintaining our good reputation is a lifelong company goal.

We take pride in our work and our business relationships, and we are grateful to our veteran teams for always aiming to impress our clients and being passionate about QA.

Located in Cluj-Napoca, the capital of the region Transylvania, one of the biggest cultural and university centers of Romania, the testing lab is a modern facility equipped with the latest technology.

Published Mar 18, 2025Updated Mar 18, 2025Expires Apr 17, 2025
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