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B2B Pricing Management Coordinator

1 position
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Ideal Candidate

B2B Pricing Management Coordinator, Bucuresti

Job Description

👥: Data

📍: Bucharest

Job Summary:

The Pricing Management Coordinator will be responsible for developing and implementing pricing strategies to optimize revenue and profitability in the energy sector. Utilizing data-driven insights and market analysis, the successful candidate will collaborate cross-functionally to drive pricing initiatives and ensure alignment with business objectives.

Key Responsibilities:

Pricing Strategy

  • Conducting pricing analysis and financial models to assess the impact of different pricing strategies.
  • Development and implementation of the pricing strategy for the company's products and services (energy and value-added products).
  • Market and competitive analysis to determine optimal pricing positioning relative to competition.

Pricing Policies

  • Establishing pricing policies, with a special focus on the domestic customer renegotiation process.
  • Establishing pricing policies, with a special focus on the prices of large business customers with an annual consumption >200 MWh, corroborated with the input received from the Physical Channels, Online, Energy Management structures.
  • Managing price adjustments based on market dynamics and customer requirements.

Analysis and Modeling

  • Conducting pricing analysis and financial models to assess the impact of various pricing strategies together with the Performance Management department.
  • Monitor price performance and adjust strategies based on results.

Collaboration and Support

  • Collaborate with marketing, sales and operations departments to ensure pricing strategy aligns with overall company goals.
  • Provide support and training to sales teams on pricing policies and strategies.
  • Updates and tests changes associated with IT systems regarding implemented pricing (in management systems).
  • Provides support in developing new products to make the activity more efficient.

Reporting and Feedback

  • Preparation of performance reports on pricing strategies and their impact on revenues together with the Financial Analysis and Performance department.
  • Collecting and analyzing feedback from customers and sales team to continuously improve pricing policies.
  • Manage cross-functional projects in which team members are involved.
  • Propose development programs for each team member.
  • Plans and supports the dissemination of information in the organization associated with major business objectives.

Knowledge Required:

  • Advanced level of English
  • Strategic Agility: strong ability to identify potential threats, mitigate risks and leverage emerging opportunities
  • Analytical Thinking: strong ability to use data to understand problems and identify potential solutions,
  • Strong analytical skills with proficiency in data analysis and modeling.
  • Experience with pricing tools and software.
  • Proven ability to collaborate cross-functionally and influence decision-making.
  • Strategic thinker with a results-oriented mindset.
  • Ability to thrive in a fast-paced and dynamic environment.

Soft Skills Required:

  • Collaboration: Enthusiasm for working collaboratively with teams and stakeholders.
  • Communication: Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Excellent presentation skills, with the ability to effectively convey complex concepts to stakeholders at all levels.
  • Results Orientation: Demonstrated ability to achieve and exceed sales targets.
  • Ability to work in a dynamic environment and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
  • The ability to innovate and support unconventional ideas.
  • Leadership: Ability to lead, motivate, and develop a high-performing team.
  • Performance Management: Ability to set goals, provide feedback, and develop team members to achieve high performance.
  • Integrity: High ethical standards and professionalism.
  • Attention to Detail: Strong problem-solving skills, meticulous in managing operations and ensuring accuracy.


  • Bachelor's degree in Statistics, Economics, Engineering or other relevant.


  • General Experience: Substantial general work experience together with comprehensive job-related experience in own area of expertise to fully competent level.
  • 5 years of experience in pricing strategy for B2B markets, preferably in the energy sector.
  • Managerial Experience: Minimum of 5 years of proven experience working in a team, minimum of 2 years in a team coordination position. Planning and managing resources to deliver predetermined objectives as specified by more senior managers

*This position may require occasional travel to different office locations or to attend industry events.

Application Process:

To apply, please submit your resume detailing your qualifications and experience.

Company Description

PPC este liderul pieței de energie în Europa de Sud-Est. Produce, distribuie și furnizează energie electrică, precum și produse și servicii energetice avansate în Grecia, România și Macedonia de Nord. Grupul PPC are unități de producție cu o capacitate instalată de 10,7 GW și deservește 8,7 milioane de clienți pe mai multe piețe din regiune, cu peste 35 TWh de energie furnizată. Grupul este prezent în România în urma achiziției companiilor Enel în țara noastră în luna octombrie 2023. PPC a fost fondată în 1950 și este listată la Bursa de Valori din Atena.

Published Jan 9, 2025Updated Feb 8, 2025Expires Feb 8, 2025
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