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Analist Afiliere Furnizori Lb. Spaniola Craiova

3 positions
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Ideal Candidate

Lb. Spaniolă nivel fluent
Lb. Engleza nivel conversatie
Abilități interpersonale puternice
Abilități de comunicare foarte dezvoltate
Atitudine profesională

Job Description

Căutare informații pentru afilierea furnizorului.
Efectuarea de apeluri către furnizorii afiliați.
Diverse sarcini administrative, cum ar fi introducerea și actualizarea datelor.
Solicitarea furnizorilor de actualizări ale facturilor cu date incorecte.

***Jobul are sediul în Craiova cu prezență fizica la birou

Company Description

Established in 2015, WAY2VAT provides a highly sophisticated, cloud-based platform for travel expense and foreign VAT reclaims. Tapping into the billion-dollar global travel management software market, WAY2VAT is revolutionizing enterprises' travel expense management and VAT reclaim.

The WAY2VAT platform automates organizations’ cumbersome VAT reclaim processes, and empowers employees while increasing corporations’ bottom line. By doing so, WAY2VAT provides better control and transparent reporting for financial departments, and hassle-free reimbursement for business travelers.

Our mission is to recapture the billions in VAT refunds left unclaimed by businesses, and create a revolution in the way companies handle their foreign VAT reclaims.
WAY2VAT has aquired DEVOLUIVA , Spanish Company focused on local VAT reclaim, to increase its international business presence.

Published Jan 23, 2025Updated Jan 23, 2025Expires Feb 22, 2025
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